Thursday, November 3, 2011

Americans Are Better Than This

Americans, we are better than this.... Are we not ?

Occupy Oakland 11/02/2011
Is this how change happens now? Not in the America I know. I am very concerned for our country and the direction that the "Occupy" movements are heading towards. Inflation, Regulation, Taxation and the trend towards violence as a tool of change. It will NOT work in America. We know better. Actions like this will defeat this movement in the end, but what happens before then?

Here are some other disturbing "Occupy" images you will not see on most media... all from the last 2 days. Something has to give... please pray for America and it's future. I am very concerned about the next few weeks, please pay close attention and do not rely on main stream media for your information. All of this was predicted by the way... months ago by a famous radio/TV host. Do your own research.

Here is a new one I just found and perhaps the most disturbing...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

So You Wanna Make America Socialist?

The recent escalation of the Occupy movements has lead me to write some words about a part of that movement. The youth and troubled Americans and citizens of the world are being fed that they way out is through Socialism. Not so fast, please. I asked myself what (if any) countries are currently considered Socialist countries. Thanks to the wonders of the internet and Wikipedia I have my answer.


How do you feel about being like them? Many of these countries have some of the most oppressed and poor people on this planet. If you honestly believe you'd be better off in one of these countries than please tell me why. I would be very interested in your reasoning. Teach me how this system, usually ran by a controlling dictator with little or NO individual human rights is better then living in America even with it's troubles.

North Korea is written about on Civil Liberties at - "The State of Human Rights in North Korea: North Korea is in all likelihood the most oppressive regime on Earth. Although human rights monitors are generally banned from the country, as are radio communications between citizens and outsiders, some journalists and human rights monitors have been successful in uncovering details about the secretive government's policies. The government is essentially a dictatorship--previously operated by Kim Il Sung, and now operated by his son, Kim Jong-il."

Cuba is written about on Human Rights Watch -  "Events of 2006: Cuba remains the one country in Latin America that represses nearly all forms of political dissent. President Fidel Castro, during his 47 years in power, has shown no willingness to consider even minor reforms. Instead, the Cuban government continues to enforce political conformity using criminal prosecutions, long- and short-term detentions, mob harassment, police warnings, surveillance, house arrests, travel restrictions, and politically-motivated dismissals from employment. The end result is that Cubans are systematically denied basic rights to free expression, association, assembly, privacy, movement, and due process of law."

China is written about on Amnesty International -  "Amnesty International has documented widespread human rights violations in China. An estimated 500,000 people are currently enduring punitive detention without charge or trial, and millions are unable to access the legal system to seek redress for their grievances. Harassment, surveillance, house arrest, and imprisonment of human rights defenders are on the rise, and censorship of the Internet and other media has grown. Repression of minority groups, including Tibetans, Uighurs and Mongolians, and of Falun Gong practitioners and Christians who practice their religion outside state-sanctioned churches continues. While the recent reinstatement of Supreme People's Court review of death penalty cases may result in lower numbers of executions, China remains the leading executioner in the world."

These are just a few examples. Human rights and living without oppression are basic fundamentals of a happy life. We do have our issues here in America but we DO have our freedom without oppression. We can do better, but Socialism is not the path to get there. I am no expert but I do speak my mind, do my research and think for myself. I hope you all will do the same. We may not agree on any or all of this but in America you have the freedom to let your voice be heard. At least for now, but if it is lost here where would it be found? 

We don't need to fundamentally transform, we need to RESTORE!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Liberal = Fail

This was the news alert I received today while thinking about this post.

My mind was going over some things for this post that would lay out the case that the Liberal left has been in control of much of this country and most of the results speak for themselves. If you look at the history of some major backers and supporters of the Liberals, you will see many examples of failure. I'll try to give you a few of the failures that are fairly obvious.

Education and the NEA - The liberal democrats have enjoyed the support of the National Education Association for decades, while our students consistently ranked lower and lower in study after study. See this info! 2010 UK STUDY

Auto Makers and the UAW - The United Auto Workers union has supported the liberal democrats since it's inception and the pensions are broke and two of the big three automakers had to be bailed out by the United States taxpayers and STILL WENT BANKRUPT.

Black Americans and Unemployment - Black people in America have almost always supported the liberal democrats and especially in 2008 with support for Barack Obama. The economic policies of his administration have not improved the financial crisis for Americans, especially black Americans. While unemployment stalled at a little over 9%, black unemployment stands at about 16%. See this study - CNN story

At what point will people look at the facts and vote the truth instead of blind allegiance?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Scars Heal But Never Go Away

10 years ago on Sept 11, 2001 the world and America changed forever. I was working in downtown Kansas City for a mutual fund transfer agent. We just had gotten settled in at our desks and news came over the radio of a plane hitting one of the World Trade Center buildings in New York. Like the rest of you, everyone assumed it was a small plane, an accident. Shortly after that, it was obvious this was no accident.

By noon, everything was shutting down. The nation shut down for that day it seemed. I remember getting gas on the way home because we were afraid of what was coming, what was next. We stayed in front of the TV that day and watched with amazement and horror. I had an anxious and confused feeling that day. But it seemed to go away and on September 12 it was time to be America again. America with a scar.

Like the scar on my eye brow from falling while jumping on the bed as a child, it healed but never went away. Our scar healed or IS still healing and I fear that it will go away. This scar should never go away. I did not know anyone killed that day personally, but the CEO of my client lost his son. For the survivors those scars may never heal. Say a special prayer for those families today. God Bless the first responders that were racing up the stairwells while others raced down.

Here is a video reminder that I put together this evening. Think, remember, pray and love. God Bless America the beautiful! America is STILL beautiful, but scarred.


Monday, August 29, 2011

U.S. Rep Lynn Jenkins Pittsburg Townhall

Today, Representative Lynn Jenkins (R) came to Pittsburg for a Townhall meeting. Before it began I was between two democrats. One Vietnam Vet that told me he became a democrat because of Nixon, and a woman that told me "At least we didn't have to PAY to get in. The Republicans are charging $30 to get into their townhalls. Or that's what CBS told me." I knew before it began that this might become interesting.

She spent the first few minutes discussing her presentation on the debt and what her and her colleagues are working on. Rep Jenkins said after her presentation, she would take questions and comments. Most of the time during her speech, the woman next to me was either holding her hand up or muttering under her breath things like "fix it" or "you only passed 5 bills". I wanted to ask her how many of those 5 bills did the Senate debate on? But I chose then to be silent. When Rep Jenkins talk was complete, she asked people to line up at the microphone, state your name and ask your question or give your comment. Of course my neighbor to my left popped up, no really she sat to my left! Ha! She was toward the front of the line.

When it came her turn, she asked "Have you considered going back to Eisenhower's Republican tax base of 91% for the rich?" It was cheered by a few in the room... obviously by those who would benefit, not those who would pay. Not sure if she was serious at 91% or just pointing out that a Republican supported a 91% tax rate for the "rich". It is amazing to me that people in America today still think that this is the answer. The best part of the Representative's answer was the first word... No.

Towards the end, my neighbor was still shouting out of turn and mumbling about her opinions and finally after the 3rd time she spoke loudly about the House only passing 5 bills this year, I got the nerve to ask her... "How many of those 5 did the Senate debate and vote on?" You would think I had instead said something like, only 5 ?? That is unacceptable. She looked me in the eye while I asked my question and did not seem to listen to what I was saying. Like just because I was there, well I must be on her side. She never did acknowledge my question. She just nodded at me like I agreed with her.

I left that meeting with 2 main thoughts... #1 is the best way to effectively change the direction of politics and this country is the 2012 election. Nothing will get solved and nothing will get better unless control changes. Please stand up and believe that we are right in our beliefs and that the American people will also begin to understand that the way it is now, simply is not working. And #2 is this... I walked down the sidewalk wondering that IF this was a Democrat that came to speak with us today, would the Republican/Conservatives act as rudely and behave like the Southeast Kansas Democrats did today? Showing very little respect for our congress person and our voice in Washington? I hope not but I am not confident. We have to find a way though. And it always comes down to speaking the truth with confidence and clearness Respectfully. We can do it, we must.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Glenn Beck Restoring Courage - Joplin 8/24/11

Photos from the Joplin Restoring Courage Viewing Party on 8/24/11. It was a beautiful day in Israel and in Joplin. We truly enjoyed the event and thanks go to the Southwest Missouri Conservative Network for hosting. I posted some of my favorites below, and they all can be viewed in slide show form, just click this link.... Glenn Beck Restoring Courage 8-24-11

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stand With Israel !!

Do Christians call for the death or elimination of ANY people? Well if they do, they certainly are not true Christians. The Palestinians, Iranians, and other middle east and western cultures call for the death of the Jews. Simply for being Jewish. Here are some links to verify for those that have not heard these threats mentioned n the mainstream media. Imagine if a Tea Party member made these kinds of remarks...oh boy.

Here is training/info manual titled  Kill a Jew - Go To Heaven".

Then there are the Suicide bombers farewell videos.

And teaching the CHILDREN to grow up hating Israel and the Jewish people.

There is NO room for this in the world today. The more you read and research this you will begin to understand one thing. The Palestinians are convincing the adults and youth of the world that Israel must be destroyed and removed from the Earth. And the more you read, the more you will understand that the next battle will be against what they call "The Big Satan" or the United States of America.

Time to stand and from the Declaration of independence....

"... with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."

My Concerns... for the record

You don't have to read this, really =) 

I am just documenting some thoughts for my own examination and learning. I want to put this on record for future review. Hopefully I will be wrong, economy will be rosy, violence in the world will be gone and America will be safe and happy for years to come! I want to take some time to document some of my concerns. So a year or so from now I can look back and say wow, that was crazy man thinking or say wow, sure nailed those. or a little of both. I will set a calendar reminder to review this post in a year and respond.... might even do a 6 month check in. These are in no certain order or ranking, just this my thoughts.

As this is posted I may need to visit this soon for additional comments... these times are tough friends. Like no other time in history, well but one time. The D word. Personally I think we are in the modern day version of a D. But with boldness, and faith, these times will pass.

1. Gang or mob violence like we've seen in Europe recently will spread to the U.S. with increasing violent protest. Here is one example of what I am referring to. September Day of Rage in the U.S. (poster below) It could be political in nature or just flash mob type of happenings. My concern is the youth will become restless and see what has been done in Europe and be "nudged" to do the same here. Unions often use violence and over the top tactics to move their masses. Like this action yesterday... they went to the CEO's HOME !  This Facebook logo calls for Sabotage, Cut phone lines and customer outages.
2. The budget and debt issue will not be solved and get worse. We are almost in an election year and debates like that are rarely taken on in congress during election years. They will let is slide and pass it on to the next congress and meanwhile the economy will either fall and get worse or stay stagnate until after 2012.
3. Israel will continue to be under fire both literally and figuratively. From the obvious terror strikes to being ignored and not supported by the Obama administration. Our only true ally in the middle east and our government treats them like dirt. Hopefully is does not escalate but if I had to guess on this day 8/19/2011, I would say it will only get worse. Hopefully a change in the White House in 2012 will change that.
4. I think there is a good chance of one or many terrorist attacks in the U.S. between now and November 2012. The 10th anniversary of 9-11 is coming up quick and we know that Islamic terrorist like to use dates with meaning. Keep in mind the quote from an administration member... "never let a crisis go to waste".

5.A federal budget will not be passed before the 2012 election. Most of the Republicans and Democrats in DC are corrupt with power. 

6. The 3 wars will not be lighter but in an election move, Obama will bring home more troops from the middle east. Contrary to his campaign promises, he will NOT end any of the wars.

7. The 2012 election will be the most bitter, expensive and disappointing in the history of this republic.

8. The Tea Party will continue to grow and even gain more members from the left side of things. What we have been doing with spending and government expansion is not working and both sided will begin to see the light and the Tea Party will have a profound affect on the 2012 elections.

9. The Royals WILL NOT win the World Series in 2012. ( gotta lighten it a little )

10. The business community is not stupid or evil. They understand that in the current climate you cannot expand or grow much business. Tax questions and regulatory upheaval is suppressing the business environment. Unemployment will remain high through 2012  ( at least +7% ).

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pittsburg Morning Sun - CANCELLED

This is the letter I sent to the Editor of the Pittsburg Morning Sun after they wrote an unnamed editorial blaming the S&P downgrade on the Tea Party. I would link it hear but for some reason they chose to NOT put that on their online version, that's odd huh. I will scan in my copy and attach below if you would like to see it.

Mr. Wade,
As a Conservative and tea party supporter, I was offended by your total bias and lack of understanding of what the tea party stands for and believes in. You and others in the media are helping to spread myths and lies about us. For 2 years before the tea party drove the electorate to swing massive changes in the House Of Representatives during the 2010 elections, the Democrat controlled House, Senate and Oval Office, did not even pass a BUDGET. They did nothing to address the out of control spending and a collapsing economy except spend more and grow more debt. As we saw in 2008, elections do have consequences for the good and the bad. We simply believe that the debt crisis was not being addressed.
What tea partier drove the debate? Was it because Republicans know that a growing number of Americans are fed up with our legislators and demand that people listen to them? Or somehow it was "reverse day" and the group with the least number of votes wins? How can the Democrat "liberal" party, that has not passed a budget in over 2 years (which is Constitutionally required), claim any authority on the debt crisis or claim any higher ground in this debate. How can you blame the tea party without also addressing the years of decay that got us to this mess, yes beginning with President George W. Bush?  
If not for the tea party, the debt ceiling probably would have been raised with no requirements attached and the increase in spending would have kept climbing. All that was passed was a decrease in the increase. And that's dealing with the issue? The only group that opposed this bill was the tea party conservatives. The Morning Sun is constantly slanting the opinions on the Liberal side. The only true conservative opinions are those expressed in the reader contributed "Letter to the Editor". And WE put our name on them unlike the unclaimed and author unknown article, "Our View" in the 8/11/11 paper.
I have had enough. Please forward this to the circulation department to immediately cancel my subscription to the Morning Sun. I will not buy it again or read it online. It's one thing to have an opinion, but another to not claim it as your own. Poor decision and I believe that MANY conservatives in Southeast Kansas feel the same way. It us unfortunate because I was raised here in Pittsburg. I love this town and sadly many people look up to your opinions and believe them, because they do not see the other side.
I will be calling the Joplin Globe and beginning home delivery as soon as possible. No longer will I send my hard earned money to the Morning Sun.
Thank you,

Friday, August 5, 2011

If A Conservative...

I saw this in an email and loved it. Plain and simple.

If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who/what is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

If a conservative needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal has been taught that the rest of us should pay for his. 

The word "Conservative" can be replaced with "Tea Party". The Tea Party is perhaps the most misunderstood group of American citizens in the history or America.  We are not violent, racist or evil as much of the Progressive Left ( media included ) has charged them to be. We want to retain freedom and liberty in this country and for its people.

The Tea Party was  mainly responsible for a major shift on control of the U.S. House or Representatives in 2010. They also were influential in the discussions on the health care bill and most recently, while the mainstream media was claiming a debt ceiling victory for the Tea Party and blasting them as terrorist bent on destroying America, they were the only group that actually opposed to the bill that passed.

Time for sitting is over. We are Americans like you, we are parents, youth, grandparents, lawyers, doctors and pizza delivery folks. Not one incident of violence or terrorism can be attributed to the Tea Party and we will not tolerate such behavior. We don't want violence we want FREEDOM.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cup of Compromise Tea, Senator Reid?

This week the House has passed TWO bills and sent to the senate for the debt ceiling adjustment. All the while Obama, Reid and Pelosi have hammered the GOP for not being able to "compromise" to get a deal done. BOTH of those bills were not even debated on in the Senate. Voted down without debate.

To me, this stinks of hypocrisy... if they truly believed in the poser of compromise they would take those bills, open them up for debate, modify one and send it back to the house. Instead they vote to not even bring them to the floor.  Now this morning we hear they are working on their own bill in the Senate that includes triggers for TAX increases because they may not have the votes in the Senate without tax increases. Do they seriously think that will pass in the House? Not in my lifetime. Now I guess now it's the House's turn to shoot one down.

This whole August 2nd deadline is a farce anyway. How many times has it been moved already? I say call the President bluff. Without the tea party, we would have MORE massive spending, more government control, more taxes, more DEBT and less and less liberty and freedom. WWFD ? What Would the Founders Do? They would surely not be in the position to begin with. There beliefs on debt would have not permitted this kind of madness.

America, STAND UP. We do not have to put up with this game. Both sides are showing us how incapable they are of truly leading this nation. The President lost that role a LONG time ago.

Mr. Reid, would you like a cup of compromise tea?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Surrounded by Patriotism

Recently my wife and I were fortunate to visit Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota. The first day was a sunny and hot July day and the place was full of people. People of all nationalities and all races, and all political and religious beliefs. What a glorious memorial to the these great Presidents. On this trip we saw nature and America at its best. Every corner you turn you see wonderful landscapes and open praries with roaming buffalo, prarie dogs and antelope mixed with mountain peaks, flowing crystal clear creeks with dragonflies and wildflowers. The silence at the top of some of these peaks is stunning.

"The purpose of the memorial is to communicate the founding, expansion, preservation, and unification of the
United States with colossal statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt." Gutzon Borglum

We went back the next evening to see the nightly lighting ceremony at the memorial. Thousands of people filled the park and the large ampitheatre. The program with the singing of the National Anthem, and singing it there felt very different than singing it before the first pitch of a baseball game. Then the speaker began with some facts about the monument and the individual presidents. He also spoke about the Lewis and Clark expedition that discovered the west and the trials and their journey to the west coast and the pacific ocean. They then showed a film about America and about the things that make this country great, primarily FREEDOM !!

My photograph of Mt. Rushmore after fully illuminated during the ceremony.

It was very nice to be in a setting to feel and express our patriotism without fear of how someone might interpret that or might be "offended" by America and it's greatness. This IS the best country on earth. Those of you that may not share that opinion, please visit Mt. Rushmore, because you have freedom to live and work where you want, travel where you want, worship how you want and believe what you want. If you need a reminder, please visit the Berlin Wall Exhibit in Rapid City. Below is my photograph of two pieces of the actual Berlin Wall on display. Stirring reminder of the kind of evil that soldiers and citizens of this country fight against. Not to take over new land but to keep people of the world free.

Two segments of the Berlin Wall and two tank traps. I hope we never forget what can happen when freedom is discounted.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Medal Dis-Honor

Yesterday, the President made a huge flub that the main stream media will not tell you about. President Obama in his remarks to troops at Fort Drum Thursday told the US Army’s 10th Mountain Division about the time he awarded the first Medal of Honor to someone not receiving it posthumously. The medal, he said, went to an alive Jared Monti. The only issue is that Jared Monti died in service in Afghanistan, and did in fact receive the medal posthumously.

I searched, and and found no mention of this. Imagine if someone like Bush had made this mistake, do you think you would have known about it? Remember when they made a big deal about Bush leaving a press conference through the wrong door? This man forgot his very FIRST Congressional Medal of Honor presentation he gave to the soldiers surviving parents. How do you think they felt after seeing that? In my mind this shows that the award presentation meant little to him and how little that soldiers sacrifice moved him. Just words prepared for him by a staff writer, not words he truly did not feel with his heart. You would think that this should have been an occasion that would have left a strong impression about being the Commander In Chief and the vital role he is responsible for.

The least we can do for our honored dead is to remember them. (correctly)

Add this to the list of things that move me to assist in removing him from office in 2012. See the videos below, first the mistake yesterday, and then the actual presentation.

June 2011

March 2010

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Faith in decline...?

This past Sunday I was at a United Methodist Church service in Columbia, MO. Beautiful service it was. Glorious old ornate church building, great people, wonderful music (especially the organ). The service stirred emotion like I have not felt is a while. Hard to put in to words the emotion I felt. But let me try.

Have you ever been singing and you feel something, and you just can't sing any more? Lump in your throat or what ever it is. I love it when the organ gets progressively more powerful as it goes through each verse on the simple hymn. The first verse or two it basically plays the vocal parts and then as the last verse it's like all stops are out and the music just flows with beauty and majesty. Music is best when you feel it, with your ears and your heart. My whole body felt that, and it was amazing. THAT is the way hymns should be played and felt.

Lovely service, from the baby being baptised with the water being poured as the words are spoken to the parents and congregation, to the robed processional carrying banners, candles and the Bible held high over head. The message was a thought provoking one as well. Part of it was about the decline of the Methodist church and gave statistics of the projected decline and eventual end of the church.

I left, thinking to my self and discussing with my wife and mother that it is not hard to understand why the church is in decline. The message was specific to this church but it's across the board. It also talked of the average age going up and how that could affect the future. How can we expect people of younger ages to embrace the church ( any church ) when the country has for decades been working to eliminate faith and church from government, courts, schools and others influences of life in the United States of America. We send the message that we cannot teach faith values in schools, the 10 commandments need to be removed from court rooms and the city squares.

I wish I had an answer, but I am just one person... one heart. We need to change millions of them. How do we do that? One at a time.

This country will be great again, getting there might be painful but it will be as glorious as that Sunday in church with great family, great music and great faith. It will take all of us, republicans and democrats and all faiths. Yes we can, one day at a time. One heart at a time and one verse at a time.

* Thank you Katie and Stephanie for inviting us, we loved it !!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

What is wrong with us?

What is wrong with this country...? See these 2 stories and reply with your thoughts please. Now these are young people, behaving so badly that I am ashamed of this. The first one is criminal. The second one is a case of youth being taught with the "Rules for Radicals" strategy which is part on the NEA National Education Association recommended reading. An other example is recent union behavior in Wisconsin. If you don't know what Rules For Radicals is, I would google it, right away.

Criminal Mob Terrorism ?

News report below... Is this the way a democratic society works for change? See here about the program these youth were protesting to KEEP.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Get ready kiddos, it's about to kick in big time. With the price of oil/gas and commodities on the rise for a few months it has been slow to show up in your grocery cart. But it is now... here is one example.

They get you with portion sizes too, pay attention !

A recent caller to a radio show runs a food pantry for his community.. one year ago he bought a 14.5 oz can of Hormel Chili for $1.25. Today the can is 10.5 oz's and cost him $1.50.

That's .057 more PER OUNCE... or a 66% price increase. But hey you think it's only .25 cents.. but pay attention. Everything from clothing to food is going to keep going up. As long as the government keeps printing money ( making the dollar actually worth less ) the value of the dollar will go down. Oil is traded around the world in US dollars... so they raise the price of oil ( or chili ) to make up the difference.

Don't be afraid to start your own food storage. I'm just sayin.....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What is important ?

I have spent most of the last few months working on my Royals blog Ballparkthinking. Then lately I feel like I am drawn to pick this up again because if we can't get Americas economic and political feet back on solid ground then we are in serious trouble.

A lot of you may think I am totally a right wing hack but that's okay. I just write about what I feel is important, and make cases that I strongly believe in. If you think I am crazy then I guess that is just how it will have to be. But please don't stop reading. I have heard over and over lately that failure to stand for your beliefs is not an option. I've heard speak your mind without fear and that is what I intend to do. I am making my stance and I am doing so without fear because yes I believe that strongly.

The next 1-2 years could be some of the most critical years in my lifetime. Not just for the 2012 election but for the direction of this country which could play a big part in the election. If things don't get better ( and I am confident that they will not ) then what regular  citizens do and say will play a momentous part of the future America we leave for our children and grand-children. The country is broke. At  the time I write this, the United States National Debt stands at 14.3 TRILLION dollars. Check it here to see what it is when you read this. In 2004 it was 7.1 trillion... doubled in 7 years under Presidents Bush and Obama. Neither one of them have done you or I any favors at this point.

I don't want this to turn into a bash Obama site, there are plenty of those with plenty of reasons. What I would like this to turn into is a place for anyone to see what I am thinking, and a site to house a historical record from my point of view. Right or wrong, I may turn out to be either one but better to be wrong than to have been right and not spoken up.

There may be some personal stuff here, some local things and lots of national thoughts.  Sure baseball is a lot more fun, but a LOT less important. I feel I am being called to act in some way, called to stand in some way. I think this may mean stepping out of my comfort zone at times, but I think it's time. Perhaps writing this and expressing my thoughts here, will help me think it through and point me in the direction I need to point towards.

Please stay tuned... not asking you to agree with me. Please add your comments either to agree or to pick my arguments apart. Discussion is good, freedom of speech is good and the ability to agree to disagree is one of the founding principals of this country.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bash Beck Day In The Media

It was Bash Beck day in the main stream media on Monday. They again accuse Beck of inciting violence. Still no facts to back that up. This exchange occurred while debating Keith Olbermann leaving MSNBC.

About the 2:15 in the video below, the CNN show Reliable Sources on 1/23/11, guest Davis Shuster claims unchallenged that people are inspired by Glenn Beck to carry out violence. I have listened and watched Glenn Beck for several years. And have NEVER heard Beck suggest violence of ANY kind ever. In fact especially the last couple of years he has gone out of his way to plead for NON VIOLENCE because that is exactly what the left expects to happen to further their cause to shut down Conservative talk radio and television.

Transcript Here (more "thinking" below video)

This is frustrating because the state of media and politics is so hot right now, but does that mean we should just stop caring? America is passionate, always has been. Freedom to debate and voice our opinions is a cornerstone of the foundation of this land and it's freedom. Yes we can be careful, but we can also be careful to not silence opinion because when you silence that, you silence caring.

Monday, January 17, 2011


BALLPARK THINKING: Baseball Is...: Baseball is needed in January. The one month of the year where I miss it the most. For me, winter is over on January 2 and it's time for baseball!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Blame ? Or the Truth ?

Truth prevails always. Please take a moment before you jump on the "Blame the right wing wacko's" train. Violence has always been a part of this world and there are always people out there who will blame it on their enemies. This not a "you did it too" article, but I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy in the Liberal Media flaring up over the last few days. Do your own research, reach your own conclusions, don't let MSNBC, CNN, John Stewart, FoxNews or Beck for your information... you can read, YOU can decide.

TRUTH --- examples of hate and violence from the left ...

If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."

Who said this? Click here to find out.

Do I think he meant that literally, of course not because I use common sense.

Here is a blog with multiple references... read with your common sense.

Click here to read Michelle Malkin
is this violent and hateful?
And if that was not enough, with all the talk of Sarah Palin "targeting" during a campaign push, well it seems that this is fairly common practice. See this example from this site Democratic Leadership Council in 2004.