Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stand With Israel !!

Do Christians call for the death or elimination of ANY people? Well if they do, they certainly are not true Christians. The Palestinians, Iranians, and other middle east and western cultures call for the death of the Jews. Simply for being Jewish. Here are some links to verify for those that have not heard these threats mentioned n the mainstream media. Imagine if a Tea Party member made these kinds of remarks...oh boy.

Here is training/info manual titled  Kill a Jew - Go To Heaven".

Then there are the Suicide bombers farewell videos.

And teaching the CHILDREN to grow up hating Israel and the Jewish people.

There is NO room for this in the world today. The more you read and research this you will begin to understand one thing. The Palestinians are convincing the adults and youth of the world that Israel must be destroyed and removed from the Earth. And the more you read, the more you will understand that the next battle will be against what they call "The Big Satan" or the United States of America.

Time to stand and from the Declaration of independence....

"... with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."

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