Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cup of Compromise Tea, Senator Reid?

This week the House has passed TWO bills and sent to the senate for the debt ceiling adjustment. All the while Obama, Reid and Pelosi have hammered the GOP for not being able to "compromise" to get a deal done. BOTH of those bills were not even debated on in the Senate. Voted down without debate.

To me, this stinks of hypocrisy... if they truly believed in the poser of compromise they would take those bills, open them up for debate, modify one and send it back to the house. Instead they vote to not even bring them to the floor.  Now this morning we hear they are working on their own bill in the Senate that includes triggers for TAX increases because they may not have the votes in the Senate without tax increases. Do they seriously think that will pass in the House? Not in my lifetime. Now I guess now it's the House's turn to shoot one down.

This whole August 2nd deadline is a farce anyway. How many times has it been moved already? I say call the President bluff. Without the tea party, we would have MORE massive spending, more government control, more taxes, more DEBT and less and less liberty and freedom. WWFD ? What Would the Founders Do? They would surely not be in the position to begin with. There beliefs on debt would have not permitted this kind of madness.

America, STAND UP. We do not have to put up with this game. Both sides are showing us how incapable they are of truly leading this nation. The President lost that role a LONG time ago.

Mr. Reid, would you like a cup of compromise tea?

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