My mind was going over some things for this post that would lay out the case that the Liberal left has been in control of much of this country and most of the results speak for themselves. If you look at the history of some major backers and supporters of the Liberals, you will see many examples of failure. I'll try to give you a few of the failures that are fairly obvious.
Education and the NEA - The liberal democrats have enjoyed the support of the National Education Association for decades, while our students consistently ranked lower and lower in study after study. See this info! 2010 UK STUDY
Auto Makers and the UAW - The United Auto Workers union has supported the liberal democrats since it's inception and the pensions are broke and two of the big three automakers had to be bailed out by the United States taxpayers and STILL WENT BANKRUPT.
Black Americans and Unemployment - Black people in America have almost always supported the liberal democrats and especially in 2008 with support for Barack Obama. The economic policies of his administration have not improved the financial crisis for Americans, especially black Americans. While unemployment stalled at a little over 9%, black unemployment stands at about 16%. See this study - CNN story
At what point will people look at the facts and vote the truth instead of blind allegiance?
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