Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pittsburg Morning Sun - CANCELLED

This is the letter I sent to the Editor of the Pittsburg Morning Sun after they wrote an unnamed editorial blaming the S&P downgrade on the Tea Party. I would link it hear but for some reason they chose to NOT put that on their online version, that's odd huh. I will scan in my copy and attach below if you would like to see it.

Mr. Wade,
As a Conservative and tea party supporter, I was offended by your total bias and lack of understanding of what the tea party stands for and believes in. You and others in the media are helping to spread myths and lies about us. For 2 years before the tea party drove the electorate to swing massive changes in the House Of Representatives during the 2010 elections, the Democrat controlled House, Senate and Oval Office, did not even pass a BUDGET. They did nothing to address the out of control spending and a collapsing economy except spend more and grow more debt. As we saw in 2008, elections do have consequences for the good and the bad. We simply believe that the debt crisis was not being addressed.
What tea partier drove the debate? Was it because Republicans know that a growing number of Americans are fed up with our legislators and demand that people listen to them? Or somehow it was "reverse day" and the group with the least number of votes wins? How can the Democrat "liberal" party, that has not passed a budget in over 2 years (which is Constitutionally required), claim any authority on the debt crisis or claim any higher ground in this debate. How can you blame the tea party without also addressing the years of decay that got us to this mess, yes beginning with President George W. Bush?  
If not for the tea party, the debt ceiling probably would have been raised with no requirements attached and the increase in spending would have kept climbing. All that was passed was a decrease in the increase. And that's dealing with the issue? The only group that opposed this bill was the tea party conservatives. The Morning Sun is constantly slanting the opinions on the Liberal side. The only true conservative opinions are those expressed in the reader contributed "Letter to the Editor". And WE put our name on them unlike the unclaimed and author unknown article, "Our View" in the 8/11/11 paper.
I have had enough. Please forward this to the circulation department to immediately cancel my subscription to the Morning Sun. I will not buy it again or read it online. It's one thing to have an opinion, but another to not claim it as your own. Poor decision and I believe that MANY conservatives in Southeast Kansas feel the same way. It us unfortunate because I was raised here in Pittsburg. I love this town and sadly many people look up to your opinions and believe them, because they do not see the other side.
I will be calling the Joplin Globe and beginning home delivery as soon as possible. No longer will I send my hard earned money to the Morning Sun.
Thank you,

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