Friday, August 10, 2012

Restoring Love - Dallas Texas July 2012

Restoring Love in Dallas Texas !! This experience was one of the most moving and motivating of my life. To be around people that are happy, loving and grateful is so great. It was like one big family (without all of the usual family baggage) I say with a smile. I think people in Texas generally feel this way but for sure the over 60,000 people attending the events of Restoring Love, have a strong love of their God, their neighbors and their country. Every restaurant, our hotel, Wal-Mart across from Cowboy's Stadium and everywhere we went we saw people wearing shirts and smiles in support of the movement. Please check out our photo slide show!

Thursday morning we went to the stadium to sign in and get our "Day of Service" assignment and instructions. There were lines of about an hour to sign in but happiness and love were everywhere. A vendor fair offered many different items including books on faith and patriotism, Tea Party groups, wooden jewelry made of olive tree wood from Israel, and a new line of clothing which is 100% American made. is even using the original looms that Levi's used before out sourcing the work overseas. That evening we went to the FreedomWorks event Restoring Freedom. Held at the American Airlines Arena in downtown Dallas and it was full of speeches that were both political and inspirational. Most impressive was C.L. Bryants speech, WOW! I urge you to check out THIS LINK to watch it and share with friends. Or better yet, watch it right here!

Friday morning we were to be at the Stadium and 7am to get ready to board buses that would take us to our service project. Only a portion of the days people were in our area, others were scattered across the city from cleaning parks to rebuilding porches to feeding the homeless. Our group of 4 buses went to the Operation Blessing warehouse in Grand Prarie TX. Half of the about 150 people there painted walls of the warehouse while the other half bagged beans and sorted food for the food bank packages for needy families. Overall there were 130,000 volunteers that day working on over 300 projects if I have my numbers right. Did you see anything about this on the mainstream media? I doubt it. It was a great time, and again everyone was so happy to be there!!
Friday evening was the group night at the Rangers game. Although a true blue Royals fan, I rooted for the home team from Texas. It was easy because they were playing the Chicago White Sox, but sadly they lost. We saw a lot of Restoring Love shirts there also! The group was listed in the groups displayed on the giant scoreboard during the game. After the day of service and night of baseball in 100 degree weather, we were ready to shower and go to SLEEP! Saturday nights big event was incredible. Restoring Love it was called but in that crowd, the love was already present. It started with this great intro video.

All you really need to know about the message of the night can be seen in this opening prayer video.

The entire weekend was fantastic and inspired us to come back and begin to make a difference in our community. We met so many great people that share our beliefs and ideals and hope that we can help restore America and restore the belief that America is great because America is good. Americans are good.

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