Friday, August 10, 2012

Freedom-of-Speech & Chick-fil-A

Once again the Pittsburg Kansas Morning Sun with an unsigned editorial totally misses the intent of the Chick-fil-A protest. They took the media hype path that wanted to make it about gay people or gay marriage. Anybody who supported Chick-fil-A that day will tell you it was about FREE SPEECH and the right for a privately owned company to have an opinion. They did not condemn anyone or refuse to serve them. The CEO simply stated his company’s beliefs to the Baptist Press. Imagine that, a company that honors their Sabbath by closing, is standing for traditional marriage. I don’t think they are closed on Sunday because they are big NFL fans. When mayors and government officials make claims to keep them out of their city or state, then the constitutional right of free speech is compromised.
The media and the political left whipped up this frenzy by pushing the CEO’s original quote, which lit a fire they could not put out. That fire is burning strong in America and it’s not left or right. It’s about standing for the Constitution! There are 2 lies out there.  One is if you don’t agree with a person’s lifestyle you must hate them. The other is that to love someone you must agree with everything they believe and do. Neither of these is true and most common sense Americans know better. It would be nice if the Morning Sun would learn that lesson.

Tolerance is something that both sides need to be aware of and work to improve. The left needs to be more tolerant of the free speech issue and that all Americans have a right to voice their opinion, either individually or with their privately owned business. The right needs to be more tolerant of all lifestyles and realize as the line above says... "if you don’t agree with a person’s lifestyle you must hate them and other is that to love someone you must agree with everything they believe and do. You can LOVE them no matter what, love them with all of your soul and all of your heart. Love will hold us together, always.

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