Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Facebook Detox
I am going on a Facebook detox. Through the election I hoped that posting occasional links and thoughts would be my way of getting the truth to people that may not see it any other way. Obviously the election did not turn out the way I had hoped but that is the way America is. The vote is a powerful tool and I believe that it will be again in 2014, 2016 and beyond.
I've been accused of being a racist nazi, a "dick" and other evil accusations and hateful thoughts. Life is too short, yet goes on rather we are happy or not. I am tired. Tired of feeling like I have been misunderstood and disliked by people that are either family or claim to be friends. All I want is an open dialogue but that has to go both ways. Recently I do not comment on posts or links that I would like to discuss because of previous experience that usually turns out bad. I learned a long time ago that two stone walls arguing will never convince the other to move.
Then why go down that road. I ask myself that question everyday and today after reading a particularly one sided and biased column, my boil over point was reached. I will miss the info from companies and websites that informed me but I can get that info in other places.
It is very exhausting and deflating to be constantly bombarded with messages about how people with your beliefs are wrong, stupid or hateful when I know deep in my soul that it is not true. I am a proud American. Proud of American and Christian beliefs and traditions. Proud of the free market and all of the good it has done for the world. Capitalism has done more for the poor and oppressed than any other system. Look around the world.... show me where communism has worked and not resulted in the deaths of millions.
America is and will be the light of the world, IF we let HIM be the light of the world once again.
God Bless America and it's people.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
We Can't Afford It
During the White House Press Conference Dec 6, 2012 the White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said this....
We can't afford it? Did he really phrase it that way? Interesting because I don't know about your family or your business but in our family, if we "can't afford it" we don't buy it. Well in the governments case, you don't spend it. Or they shouldn't spend it. But that is water under the bridge. But even in that analogy you do what you can do stop the water that will will soon wash out the bridge. When the water flow (out of control spending) is stopped you can look at reinforcing the bridge to make it stronger for the future. But all the progressives want to do is build another bridge on top of the old one, just a little but higher. Now that makes a LOT of sense doesn't it.
Like I said in a previous post, the President wants to take 1.6 trillion dollars out of the private sector and buy things that the government deems necessary. Meanwhile, the water keeps coming and coming without decline and in fact continues to rise. About all of that spending, WE CAN'T AFFORD IT". You might say, well the rich can afford it, they are not paying their fair share... give me a number on what you think qualifies as "fair share". I have been looking for a Democrat to stand up and tell us what meets the fair share level? I believe that the top 5% of taxpayers, cover about 70% of the total revenues as it is now.... you want that higher? What is fair about that. Just because someone has it does NOT give the government the right to TAKE it from them.
I don't see a good solution to this for the Republicans in the short term because all the President needs to do is call their bluff and it we fall after leaving the cliff, the Democrats and their lapdog media will blame it on the Republicans because they took the side of fat cats over the middle class. And if the Republicans cave and give in to tax rate increases, they can forget about EVER getting a tax cut again because this will be used as an example to throw water on the fire for cutting taxes.
The real problem is that both sides are just offering band aid solutions when a serious enema is required to totally cleanse the Washington of the crap the politicians have been serving up to ALL Americans for well over two decades now.
We can't afford it.
"The president of the United States will not sign a bill that
extends tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, or for those making
more than $250,000 a year. This is an issue that the American people
understand, they are very clear about, and -- if public surveys are to
be believed -- are supportive of the president on. We can't afford it."
We can't afford it? Did he really phrase it that way? Interesting because I don't know about your family or your business but in our family, if we "can't afford it" we don't buy it. Well in the governments case, you don't spend it. Or they shouldn't spend it. But that is water under the bridge. But even in that analogy you do what you can do stop the water that will will soon wash out the bridge. When the water flow (out of control spending) is stopped you can look at reinforcing the bridge to make it stronger for the future. But all the progressives want to do is build another bridge on top of the old one, just a little but higher. Now that makes a LOT of sense doesn't it.
Like I said in a previous post, the President wants to take 1.6 trillion dollars out of the private sector and buy things that the government deems necessary. Meanwhile, the water keeps coming and coming without decline and in fact continues to rise. About all of that spending, WE CAN'T AFFORD IT". You might say, well the rich can afford it, they are not paying their fair share... give me a number on what you think qualifies as "fair share". I have been looking for a Democrat to stand up and tell us what meets the fair share level? I believe that the top 5% of taxpayers, cover about 70% of the total revenues as it is now.... you want that higher? What is fair about that. Just because someone has it does NOT give the government the right to TAKE it from them.
I don't see a good solution to this for the Republicans in the short term because all the President needs to do is call their bluff and it we fall after leaving the cliff, the Democrats and their lapdog media will blame it on the Republicans because they took the side of fat cats over the middle class. And if the Republicans cave and give in to tax rate increases, they can forget about EVER getting a tax cut again because this will be used as an example to throw water on the fire for cutting taxes.
The real problem is that both sides are just offering band aid solutions when a serious enema is required to totally cleanse the Washington of the crap the politicians have been serving up to ALL Americans for well over two decades now.
We can't afford it.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
A Losing Game and 1.6 Trillion Robbery
A losing game is being played at gunpoint and the media is holding the gun with a chamber full of Democrat ammunition.
This was the quote in a Washington Post article recently. What simply blows my mind that people don't see it this way but the President wants to TAKE 1.6 trillion from the Private Sector money supply and hand it over to the government in Washington to spend it as they see fit. That has worked out SO well in the past has it not? I never really looked at it like that but it is true. They are taking from those who have, and taking for themselves, the right to spend as they desire, not reducing debt or spending one dollar.
The gunpoint comes in at the time of going over "the fiscal cliff" because compromise was not reached. And if that happens, all we will here now for the next 4 years is how the evil Republicans caved to some has been named Grover (no not the funny guy on Sesame Street) and refused to compromise THEIR ground and just let the country collapse. When have the Democrats caved and given up some of their hallowed beliefs? The democrat controlled Senate has not even done their job and passed a budget the last 3 years.... and where is the media pounding that question to them? Why is the media not holding the gun on these politicians who have simply failed to do what they were sent there to do? And if they did, would the chamber be filled with anything but blanks?
The Left has their goons in media to go out and do the P.R. dirty work and because they don't get challenged, the American public takes the bait. There used to be a time when most of the media was honest and actually did their job to disclose the shortcomings of governments and to the truth teller to the public. Where is the honest media that can get these politicians to take the bait on that hook line and sinker, and finally SET THE HOOK?
Remember, President Obama wants to take 1.6 trillion from the private sector, and the people will NEVER see the money again. You disagree? Then let me know... comment section below !
"Obama plans to open talks using his most recent budget proposal, which
sought to raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy by $1.6 trillion
over the next decade, White House press secretary Jay Carney said
The gunpoint comes in at the time of going over "the fiscal cliff" because compromise was not reached. And if that happens, all we will here now for the next 4 years is how the evil Republicans caved to some has been named Grover (no not the funny guy on Sesame Street) and refused to compromise THEIR ground and just let the country collapse. When have the Democrats caved and given up some of their hallowed beliefs? The democrat controlled Senate has not even done their job and passed a budget the last 3 years.... and where is the media pounding that question to them? Why is the media not holding the gun on these politicians who have simply failed to do what they were sent there to do? And if they did, would the chamber be filled with anything but blanks?
The Left has their goons in media to go out and do the P.R. dirty work and because they don't get challenged, the American public takes the bait. There used to be a time when most of the media was honest and actually did their job to disclose the shortcomings of governments and to the truth teller to the public. Where is the honest media that can get these politicians to take the bait on that hook line and sinker, and finally SET THE HOOK?
Remember, President Obama wants to take 1.6 trillion from the private sector, and the people will NEVER see the money again. You disagree? Then let me know... comment section below !
Monday, November 5, 2012
Time To Close The Electoral College ?
Photo: C-Span |
I set out writing this post with the intent of making a case for eliminating the Electoral College. For years I defended it, but as this election looms as another close one and speculation creeps in of a college/popular vote split, I decided to do some research to solidify my case. The first article I read was eye opening. Once again, the founders and framers of this nation display their divine guidance and brilliance.
With the advancements in technology, media and communications nationwide I was prepared to say get rid of it. But I quickly learned that there is MUCH more to this. One thing I had not considered, what if a candidate does not get above 50% of the popular vote? Do we have a runoff? Or do you have a president that cannot even get a popular majority vote? What does that do to the timing? The historically successful 2 party system has taken care of that. I know the 3rd party people are saying YES what about us? Read this article linked below and then come back with your argument posted in comments below!
After reading this article linked below, I am still solidly on the side of retaining the Electoral College, regardless of the outcome of any election. If you would like to discuss, then please read the link and then let's have a conversation in the comments below.
The Pro's and Con's of the Electoral College System
More info on the Electoral College:
NARA Federal Register
Popular Vote or Electoral College
Thursday, October 25, 2012
The President Lied, Multiple Times
During the 3rd debate on October 22, 2012 our President told this lie. Mitt Romney did write the piece mentioned, in 2008 and he did not write the headline that appeared in the NY Times "Let Them Go Bankrupt". But he did write the exact thing that Romney claimed he had written. Either the campaign is incompetent or knowingly lied to America. Either one of those are not the kind of leadership that America needs so much.
Here is a LINK to the article ! NY TIMES
Below is the debate exchange...
Immediately after the debate he again used the lie on the campaign stump. This tells me that they are intentionally lying, thinking that the "media" will not dare question the "smartest man to hold the office" according to some.
This does not even mention the lying underway regarding the murder of 4 Americans in Libya. Please watch these... then VOTE !! Vote for the TRUTH !
*Gotta love the C-Span website which enables you to make your own clips of their videos!
Here is a LINK to the article ! NY TIMES
Below is the debate exchange...
Immediately after the debate he again used the lie on the campaign stump. This tells me that they are intentionally lying, thinking that the "media" will not dare question the "smartest man to hold the office" according to some.
This does not even mention the lying underway regarding the murder of 4 Americans in Libya. Please watch these... then VOTE !! Vote for the TRUTH !
*Gotta love the C-Span website which enables you to make your own clips of their videos!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Personal Responsibility is a "Choice"
A Women's Right to Choose, Her Choice and Her Body....
For years I have been trying to develop my theory and opinion about abortion and the "choice" argument. I understand making abortions illegal is most likely not going to happen. But a goal of having fewer of them should be reasonable to all sides. Having less of them does not mean that women will not have a say in what happens to their bodies but perhaps it does involve having more individual responsibility in the decision making process. Here is my case.
You have a "choice" to wear a seat belt or to not wear one while in a moving car. If an accident happens and severe injuries occur, can you put on a seat belt AFTER the accident to prevent injury? The choice to avoid more severe injury is made before the car starts moving with the act of clicking that belt. It's the law and the public is generally ok with that law as studies have shown that it does reduce and/or prevent most injuries. I know it's not the best comparison but the emphasis is on the personal responsibility to click the seat belt before moving.
You are a woman or a man (because both have personal responsibility) and are about to have sex and just like you chose to click that seat belt you have a choice to make. You or your partner can use one of many available pregnancy prevention methods. Methods that I believe are available easily at Planned Parenthood locations, Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreens, Costco, CVS and virtually every community in America and in some cases, 24 hours a day. You can chose to obtain a pregnancy prevention method before having intercourse. Or you can choose to not have sex until you obtain such prevention. Did I miss anything that personal responsibility won't cover?
I hope you see my point, that is women AND men have a choice at the time of intercourse. There is a choice to be made and my point is that personal responsibility should determine where in the timeline of events is best for the choice to be made? I say before the car accident, you should click your seat belt. In comparison, before you are "punished with a baby" as the President referred to it in speaking about his daughters, there are a number of available choices, including the choice to not have sex at that time. The "women's choice" argument is hard for me to understand unless you include ALL possible choices including the option to not have sex until pregnancy prevention method can be obtained. When the choice is made to continue on with the sex without protection and with the thought, "if something does happen I can always get an abortion" then personal responsibility is ignored but the choice was still made to do so.
That is also where my belief that abortions should be available under situations involving rape, incest or if the life of the mother is in jeopardy. Again these are options where the woman usually has NO choice due to be in the situation she is in. The choice argument is used as a political tool and I believe that too often it is abused in that manner when common sense should prevail. The choices are there, my trouble is WHEN that choice is made, and the lack of personal responsibility to make that choice at the right time. Accepting personal responsibility or ignoring it, IS a choice. Your choice.
You may not agree with me and that's fine. This is America and you have the right to have different opinions. Both sides need to think hard about this and if there is an argument that contradicts these thoughts, I would love to hear it. I accept my personal responsibility to learn from all points of view, especially those that differ from mine.
"You cannot escape the responsibility
of tomorrow by evading it today."
An Alternative "Choice" in Pittsburg :
Vie Medical Clinic
613 N. Broadway Suite C
Pittsburg, KS 66762
Toll Free: 866.443.0843
Our phone is answered 24 hours.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Morning Sun - "Ode to Joy"
The Pittsburg KS newspaper, The Morning Sun ran a special feature by one of their favorite local liberals Joy Leeper. You can read it here if you would like to start, go ahead I will wait...
Ode to Joy – response to Joy Leeper
Ok, did your eyes bleed like mine? Let's start the shake
down of this piece. The writer states "The Democrats are clearly
stating their intention to put the middle classes first" in my view
the Republicans and the Conservatives supporting them want to put ALL AMERICANS
first instead of apologizing FOR them. We want Americans to succeed not by
sending taxpayer money to South America for their oil industry but by keeping
it here, and enable America to become less dependent on foreign oil. Not by
using less, but by producing more HERE in America. This will create American
jobs, American TAX revenue and cheap energy is the fuel for innovation and
growth in America. Ms. Leeper also states ""Democrats are the ones
who do not want to make cuts to public education, Pell Grants for college
students" One of President Obama's first acts was to remove the
school voucher program in the DC schools that was very popular and enabled a
community in need to get a better education for their children. She says
"We must not balance the budget on the backs of teachers and minimum wage
earners", what exactly is she saying? That Republicans want to actually
take money from teachers and cut the budget with that money? Get serious; never
have we supported that idea, regardless of what the teachers unions wildly
claim. I am still surprised that democrats will use education as a stance since
the state of our student’s educational results drops lower and lower in world
ranking. There are GREAT teachers that are under paid and under rewarded. The
unions don't seem to like the idea of being rewarded for performance.
Describing Republicans, she says "They say one thing and do another, but catch them in an unguarded moment and their true plan comes out. Their true plan is this one thing: privatize everything." Everything, really? Medicare and Social Security are BROKE. A brave Paul Ryan proposes an option to fix it and the Senate won't even debate it? Why not consider privatizing the U.S. Post Office, it is BROKE under governmental control. Constitutional limited government does not mean privatizing everything and that is NOT what the Republicans are asking for. We are just asking for the founders’ intent to be returned to this country. Radical isn't it.
The author writes "We sent new people to Congress in 2010 to work on jobs and they have spent the last 2 years doing nothing about jobs." The House of Representatives has passed 2 budgets, many jobs bills and NONE of these have even been debated in the Democrat controlled Senate. When the President proposes a budget, it received ZERO votes. Yes that includes ZERO votes from ALL Democrats in congress. No person in congress took it seriously enough, even for a symbolic YES vote. The first 2 years of the Obama Administration they had complete control, no blocks, no opposition to speak of and their signature piece of legislation is the Obamacare bill that polls show is NOT supported by the majority of Americans.
The piece says "The way to improve the economy is to give aid to the lower incomes. If a person earning $20,000 a year gets a raise, she spends it on a new bed or washing machine, thereby helping the economy; whereas a person earning 2 million a year just socks the tax break money away" Why does she believe that helping the lower income is ok but not the rest of Americans? Is that not class warfare in a nutshell? Pretty bold of her to think that rich people also don't need a new bed, or GASP!, a new washing machine. So rich people don't spend their money, what world is she living in? Shared costs apply but shared benefits are wrong?
So in conclusion she writes "Students, seniors, women, gays and anyone earning less than a million dollars a year, plus anyone who cares about our American family and the future of the planet." So you make $500,000 a year, you’re ok and should vote Democrat because you won't be harmed by liberal and progressive policies? Yes you will. Students who are among the highest rate of unemployment in the nation won't be harmed? Yes you will. Women also have a higher rate of unemployment and the Presidents administration still pays their women less, won't be harmed? Yes you will.
Oh and "one more thing" as she put it. Writing "Obama was hamstrung by the” just say no” Congress the last 2 years, making it almost impossible to do anything. When we re-elect the Democrat for President, let’s give him a Democratic Congress to work with" she seems to have a memory or reality lapse. Like I mentioned above, the first 2 years of his administration he had a clear ticket to pass anything he thought would help America. The exact same policies he claims will help us now were not passed when he had total control in the House, Senate and White House. Other than spending more money and accelerating the growth of debt, what good did it do?
"This is the time that the rise of the oceans slow and the planet begins to heal" President Obama's own words not mine. Recent developments in the Middle East where an unguarded embassy was attacked and our Ambassador murdered, even the Middle East is out of control with no signs of it getting better. He refuses to meet with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but has time for fund raising and an appearance on David Letterman? This election is critical, will you make the right choice for ALL Americans? I have faith that....Yes you will!
Describing Republicans, she says "They say one thing and do another, but catch them in an unguarded moment and their true plan comes out. Their true plan is this one thing: privatize everything." Everything, really? Medicare and Social Security are BROKE. A brave Paul Ryan proposes an option to fix it and the Senate won't even debate it? Why not consider privatizing the U.S. Post Office, it is BROKE under governmental control. Constitutional limited government does not mean privatizing everything and that is NOT what the Republicans are asking for. We are just asking for the founders’ intent to be returned to this country. Radical isn't it.
The author writes "We sent new people to Congress in 2010 to work on jobs and they have spent the last 2 years doing nothing about jobs." The House of Representatives has passed 2 budgets, many jobs bills and NONE of these have even been debated in the Democrat controlled Senate. When the President proposes a budget, it received ZERO votes. Yes that includes ZERO votes from ALL Democrats in congress. No person in congress took it seriously enough, even for a symbolic YES vote. The first 2 years of the Obama Administration they had complete control, no blocks, no opposition to speak of and their signature piece of legislation is the Obamacare bill that polls show is NOT supported by the majority of Americans.
The piece says "The way to improve the economy is to give aid to the lower incomes. If a person earning $20,000 a year gets a raise, she spends it on a new bed or washing machine, thereby helping the economy; whereas a person earning 2 million a year just socks the tax break money away" Why does she believe that helping the lower income is ok but not the rest of Americans? Is that not class warfare in a nutshell? Pretty bold of her to think that rich people also don't need a new bed, or GASP!, a new washing machine. So rich people don't spend their money, what world is she living in? Shared costs apply but shared benefits are wrong?
So in conclusion she writes "Students, seniors, women, gays and anyone earning less than a million dollars a year, plus anyone who cares about our American family and the future of the planet." So you make $500,000 a year, you’re ok and should vote Democrat because you won't be harmed by liberal and progressive policies? Yes you will. Students who are among the highest rate of unemployment in the nation won't be harmed? Yes you will. Women also have a higher rate of unemployment and the Presidents administration still pays their women less, won't be harmed? Yes you will.
Oh and "one more thing" as she put it. Writing "Obama was hamstrung by the” just say no” Congress the last 2 years, making it almost impossible to do anything. When we re-elect the Democrat for President, let’s give him a Democratic Congress to work with" she seems to have a memory or reality lapse. Like I mentioned above, the first 2 years of his administration he had a clear ticket to pass anything he thought would help America. The exact same policies he claims will help us now were not passed when he had total control in the House, Senate and White House. Other than spending more money and accelerating the growth of debt, what good did it do?
"This is the time that the rise of the oceans slow and the planet begins to heal" President Obama's own words not mine. Recent developments in the Middle East where an unguarded embassy was attacked and our Ambassador murdered, even the Middle East is out of control with no signs of it getting better. He refuses to meet with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but has time for fund raising and an appearance on David Letterman? This election is critical, will you make the right choice for ALL Americans? I have faith that....Yes you will!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Great Quotes From the RNC 2012
"Unequivocal in principle, reasonable in manner, we
shall be able I hope to do a great deal of good to the cause of freedom &
harmony." --Thomas Jefferson
With that said, here are a few of
our favorite quotes from a handful of the numerous speeches.
Mitt Romney: "How many days have you woken up feeling that
something really special was happening in America? Many of you felt that way on
Election Day four years ago. Hope and Change had a powerful appeal. But tonight
I'd ask a simple question: If you felt that excitement when you voted for
Barack Obama, shouldn't you feel that way now that he's President Obama?"
"The president has disappointed
America because he hasn't led America in the right direction. He took office
without the basic qualification that most Americans have and one that was
essential to his task. He had almost no experience working in a business. Jobs
to him are about government."
"The centerpiece of the
president's entire re-election campaign is attacking success. Is it any wonder
that someone who attacks success has led the worst economic recovery since the
Great Depression? In America, we celebrate success, we don't apologize for
Paul Ryan: "When I was waiting tables, washing dishes, or mowing
lawns for money, I never thought of myself as stuck in some station in life. I
was on my own path, my own journey, an American journey where I could think for
myself, decide for myself, define happiness for myself. That's what we do in
this country. That's the American Dream. That's freedom, and I'll take it any
day over the supervision and sanctimony of the central planners."
"College graduates should not
have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at fading
Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get going with
"Sometimes even presidents need
reminding that our rights come from nature and God, and not
from government."
Marco Rubio: "[The president's] new slogan for his campaign is
'Forward.' Forward? A government that spends $1 trillion more than it takes in.
An $800 billion stimulus that created more debt than jobs. A government
intervention into health care paid for with higher taxes and cuts to Medicare.
Scores of new rules and regulations. These ideas don't move us 'Forward,' these
ideas move us 'Backwards.' These are tired and old big-government ideas that
have failed every time and everywhere they've been tried. Ideas that people
come to America to get away from. These are ideas that threaten to make America
more like the rest of the world, instead of helping the rest of the world
become more like America."
Rick Santorum: "President Obama rules like he is above the law.
America take heed, when a president can simply give a speech or write a memo
and change the law to do what the law says he can't, we weaken our
Rand Paul: "When I heard the current president say, 'You didn't
build that,' I was first insulted, then I was angered, then I was saddened that
anyone in our country, much less the president of the United States, believes
that roads create business success and not the other way around. Anyone who so
fundamentally misunderstands American greatness is uniquely unqualified to lead
this great nation."
Condoleezza Rice: "When the world looks at us today, they see an
American government that cannot live within its means. They see an American
government that continues to borrow money that will mortgage the future of
generations to come. The world knows that when a nation loses control of its
finances, it eventually loses control of its destiny."
Artur Davis, a former Democrat who seconded Obama's nomination in 2008
and co-chaired his national election committee but has now changed parties:
"John F. Kennedy asked us what we could do for America. This Democratic
Party asks what can government give you. Don't worry about paying the bill,
it's on your kids and grandkids."
Susana Martinez, likewise a former Democrat: "Before I ran for
district attorney, two Republicans invited my husband and me to lunch. And I
knew a party-switch was exactly what they wanted. So, I told Chuck, we'll be
polite, enjoy a free lunch and then say goodbye. But we talked about issues --
they never used the words Republican, or Democrat, conservative or liberal. We talked
about many issues, like welfare -- is it a way of life, or a hand-up? Talked
about the size of government -- how much should it tax families and small
businesses? And when we left that lunch, we got in the car and I looked over at
Chuck and said, 'I'll be damned, we're Republicans.'"
Mia Love: "[The president's] policies have failed us. We're not
better off than we were four years ago, and no rhetoric, bumper sticker or
Hollywood campaign ad can change that. Mr. President, I'm here to tell you, the
American people are awake, and we're not buying what you're selling in
Closing with Mitt Romney: "President Obama promised to slow the rise of the
oceans, and heal the planet. I promise to help you and your family."
"If I am elected president of
these United States, I will work with all my energy and soul to restore that
America, to lift our eyes to a better future. That future is our destiny. That
future is out there. It is waiting for us. Our children deserve it, our nation
depends upon it, the peace and freedom of the world require it. And with your
help we will deliver it. Let us begin that future together tonight."
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Do You Remember January 3, 2007 ?
This is beautiful, it fully explains the current state of our country and how we got here. George W. Bush was not a true conservative but these numbers do tell a good story. Read them closely and think about it.
Thanks to fellow Conservative and State Rep candidate Jeffrey Locke ( good luck in November ) and I see it has circulated around on the "internets" for some time now but it's still hard to argue with!
January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took
over the Senate and the Congress. At the time:
>>>>>>>The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
>>>>>>>The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
>>>>>>>The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
>>>>>>>George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT
Remember the day...on this same January 3rd, 2007 it was the day that Barney Frank
took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the
Senate Banking Committee.
The economic meltdown that happened
15 months later was in what part of the economy?
Unemployment... to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things)
dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from
YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES! Bush asked Congress
17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it
was so financially risky for the US economy. And who took the
THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? OBAMA
And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie? OBAMA and
the Democrat Congress So when someone tries to blame Bush.
Budgets do not originate from the White House. They come
from Congress and the party that controlled Congress since
January 2007 is the Democrat Party. Furthermore, the
Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well
as 2010 & 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with
George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when
Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.
For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush
entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government
running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they
passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009
budgets. And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was
a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive
spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to
complete 2009.
If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was
the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That
deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight
decline in deficit spending.
After that, Democrats in Congress
took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who
voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he
inherited it from himself. In a nutshell, what Obama is saying
is I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to
expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th. There is no
way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it
Thanks to fellow Conservative and State Rep candidate Jeffrey Locke ( good luck in November ) and I see it has circulated around on the "internets" for some time now but it's still hard to argue with!
January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took
over the Senate and the Congress. At the time:
>>>>>>>The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
>>>>>>>The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
>>>>>>>The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
>>>>>>>George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT
Remember the day...on this same January 3rd, 2007 it was the day that Barney Frank
took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the
Senate Banking Committee.
The economic meltdown that happened
15 months later was in what part of the economy?
Unemployment... to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things)
dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from
YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES! Bush asked Congress
17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it
was so financially risky for the US economy. And who took the
THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? OBAMA
And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie? OBAMA and
the Democrat Congress So when someone tries to blame Bush.
Budgets do not originate from the White House. They come
from Congress and the party that controlled Congress since
January 2007 is the Democrat Party. Furthermore, the
Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well
as 2010 & 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with
George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when
Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.
For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush
entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government
running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they
passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009
budgets. And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was
a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive
spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to
complete 2009.
If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was
the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That
deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight
decline in deficit spending.
After that, Democrats in Congress
took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who
voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he
inherited it from himself. In a nutshell, what Obama is saying
is I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to
expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th. There is no
way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it
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