Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Facebook Detox

I am going on a Facebook detox. Through the election I hoped that posting occasional links and thoughts would be my way of getting the truth to people that may not see it any other way. Obviously the election did not turn out the way I had hoped but that is the way America is. The vote is a powerful tool and I believe that it will be again in 2014, 2016 and beyond.

I've been accused of being a racist nazi, a "dick" and other evil accusations and hateful thoughts. Life is too short, yet goes on rather we are happy or not. I am tired. Tired of feeling like I have been misunderstood and disliked by people that are either family or claim to be friends. All I want is an open dialogue but that has to go both ways. Recently I do not comment on posts or links that I would like to discuss because of previous experience that usually turns out bad. I learned a long time ago that two stone walls arguing will never convince the other to move.

Then why go down that road. I ask myself that question everyday and today after reading a particularly one sided and biased column, my boil over point was reached. I will miss the info from companies and websites that informed me but I can get that info in other places.

It is very exhausting and deflating to be constantly bombarded with messages about how people with your beliefs are wrong, stupid or hateful when I know deep in my soul that it is not true. I am a proud American. Proud of American and Christian beliefs and traditions. Proud of the free market and all of the good it has done for the world. Capitalism has done more for the poor and oppressed than any other system. Look around the world.... show me where communism has worked and not resulted in the deaths of millions.

America is and will be the light of the world, IF we let HIM be the light of the world once again.

God Bless America and it's people.

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