Monday, November 5, 2012

Time To Close The Electoral College ?

Photo: C-Span
Not so fast...

I set out writing this post with the intent of making a case for eliminating the Electoral College. For years I defended it, but as this election looms as another close one and speculation creeps in of a college/popular vote split, I decided to do some research to solidify my case. The first article I read was eye opening. Once again, the founders and framers of this nation display their divine guidance and brilliance.

With the advancements in technology, media and communications nationwide I was prepared to say get rid of it. But I quickly learned that there is MUCH more to this. One thing I had not considered, what if a candidate does not get above 50% of the popular vote? Do we have a runoff? Or do you have a president that cannot even get a popular majority vote? What does that do to the timing? The historically successful 2 party system has taken care of that. I know the 3rd party people are saying YES what about us? Read this article linked below and then come back with your argument posted in comments below!

After reading this article linked below, I am still solidly on the side of retaining the Electoral College, regardless of the outcome of any election. If you would like to discuss, then please read the link and then let's have a conversation in the comments below.

The Pro's and Con's of the Electoral College System

More info on the Electoral College:

NARA Federal Register

Popular Vote or Electoral College


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