Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Politcs... and Acorns On The Driveway

Walking our dog regularly in the neighborhood is sometimes boring and sometimes funny. Like when our dog suddenly Molly stops and is scared of a new branch that had fallen on the neighbors yard since the last time we went by. And sometime the walk puts you deep in thought. One of those times happened to me recently.

About 2 months ago, we walked by a house close by that had many cars from out of town in the  driveway and parked in the street. These cars were there for what seemed like about a week. I wondered what the family had going on. Not in a nosy way just thoughts of family and what happens to cause them to gather.

Then about a month ago I noticed the same kind of thing at another house around another corner where I would often see the owner out blowing leaves and acorns off his driveway. Lots of cars and people were gathering for several days at the house where the man kept it beautiful. Cars, house, lawn and even the driveway. I would see him out there regularly blowing off the driveway of leaves and acorns from the large oak tree in their front yard. 

I often wondered if he blew the driveway off several times a day with that leaf blower. The home was beautiful and that driveway and lawn were always spotless! On previous walks the man was active. Keeping the cars shiny and the yard clean and was probably mid 70's and always gave back a smile and a wave. 

Then one day I noticed a larger than normal number of cars in that same driveway and parked along the street. Seeing all the cars I was again wondering about the family and the folks gathering. Later after walking Molly I searched the newspaper for obituaries but none seemed to connect. So I just assumed it was a birthday or anniversary or something for a family get together.

Then yesterday a few days later, Molly and I walked by the home again on her afternoon walk and I noticed something. The cars were mostly gone bit I did see something. Acorns on the driveway. Suddenly I was saddened and hoped it was a fluke and perhaps he just had not been out there yet today. Molly and I continued and all the way home I could not stop thinking about the neighbor. Later I searched the obituaries again and found one with a photo of a local man that had passed away. I did some research and confirmed my thoughts. He had passed away about a week previous.

We never know when our time is up on earth and the acorns on the driveway made me reflect and think of my life. It made me think about the political firestorm our elections cause these days. I didn't know him but it didn't matter, his political beliefs didn't matter. But I bet he was a good man and a good American. I did wonder if he ever thought about what happens to the acorns in the driveway after he is gone? Will our family members remember the family differences in politics after we are gone? I often wonder why am I here. And I wonder if anyone notices the things I do or don't do. 

I do wonder what happens to my acorns on the driveway.

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