©KansasThinking 2018
Faced with recent losses in the 2018 mid term elections, President Rand Paul will announce today that he has to act now. Congress will not act so he said he has a pen and a phone and will act on his own. The obvious unspoken credit given to his predecessor's controversial actions on immigration in 2014.
The President stated that "heavy burdensome IRS laws and regulations are crippling the American economy even further and congress will not act to resolve it." And that "Action must be taken" said Paul. He announced today in front of the Federal Reserve office in Kansas City, MO that he will issue an executive order that orders federal law and IRS enforcement officers to stop enforcing the laws regarding tax debt collection and non payment punishments. Virtually ignoring laws that have existed for decades.
Of course this will result in a drastic reduction in revenue coming in to the government so President Paul has announced that beginning with the next fiscal budget, office like the EPA and the NSA will have their available funds cut in half. Also funding for things that Paul opposes like millions to PBS and NPR, millions to Planned Parenthood will be eliminated.
The President believes that this will take millions of Americans out of the shadows of IRS debt and allow them once again to be able to contribute to the fabric of this nation and it's struggling economy. Democrats in the House and Senate vowed to stop the President in what they call an unconstitutional power grab, and an over reach of Executive Branch authority.
ok now back to 2014... Luckily for America, a President Paul would not take action like that. But by allowing it, the precedent is set and once executive branch power is established it is almost impossible to reverse. So I guess the liberals and progressives that currently are supporting President Obama and his actions will think differently. Well then, for all of you that are on the left on this immigration.
In several years of statement by the President himself, acting like this to get around law would make him an emperor. Now a lot of Americans heard this ans wanted him to act anyway. And amazingly he admits that was he just announces was going against the Constitution. Now a lame duck President in every sense after losing both the Senate and the House he is acting. Unconstitutionally.
President campaigned in 2008 and promised to pass immigration reform the FIRST YEAR after he was elected. The Democrats had control of all 3 branches of the government for TWO YEARS and no immigration reform was passed by anyone. Why not? Only bill passed was by the Senate recently and they knew it would never pass the Republican House. Why? Why now Mr President? And what will the result be?
Here are his own words...
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