With Christmas just finishing and the cold grey winter setting in, I wanted to take some time to speak directly to our family. We are truly blessed with a wonderful family and a family that covers various interests, likes and dislikes, hobbies, talents, skills, faiths and determination. I feel that 2014 may be an interesting, challenging and eventful year.
The nation and it's people are troubled with division, debt, taxes, violence, hate and an out of control government. We are all part of a wonderful family. This is a good time to let each of you know what is on my mind, for all to see and to document my thoughts and feelings. I love you all, and in the end it is LOVE that matters.
To my Mom
You are inspiration to us all on how to live life with grace, kindness and a never ending flow of love for your family no matter what twists and turns are presented. Every good trait in all of us had a beginning in your heart. You inspire me with your kindness and love towards all. I do not say it enough but I love you Mom. Always.
To my brothers Mike and Steve
My brothers, BOTH mean a great deal to me. We have had our moments of misunderstanding, anger and frustration but brothers probably always will have some of that going on. Steve, you have been through so much in your life and I don't think any of us could understand unless we walked in your shoes. You are doing so well now with a great companion to enjoy life with (thanks Pam)! Mike you are a hard worker and from what we see, a great husband. And boy those dogs sure do love you! You and Debbie have been together so long and it is nice knowing that you have each other. Family is special, so can't we all just get along? =)
To my sister Diana
Diana you are so blessed to have all of your family so close, both physically, spiritually and emotionally. You and John have created a wonderful growing family. You are an outstanding example of what love can nurture and create. The foundation is there for many generations forward and it's also easy to see the influence our mom has had on you.
To my daughter Katie and her wife Stephanie
The love that you two obviously share is awesome to see and witness. With society in such turmoil and trouble, it seems to odd to me that anyone would try to limit your relationship or say that your love is "different" than another love. You are dedicated to each other and now to that sweet young lady Emerson. I wish we lived closer, but one thing about 2014 may be that we will have the flexibility to visit your great family more often as well as the rest of our family. Love is kind and if we would all be more kind to everyone, then perhaps there would not be so much turmoil and trouble in the world. Take care of that little gem Emerson, but don't lose the child in you on the way!
To my daughter Kelly
What else can be said about you Kelly that has not already been said of you or admired about you? Not much. Your faith will always inspire me and keep me amazed at the strength the Lord provides us if we believe in him and put our faith in his hands. You have been through so much in your young life but through it all you have risen over it and remain a beautiful God loving woman. Keep making that lemonade out of those lemons Kelly. Thank you for inspiring all of us to deal with our little problems like you handle your large ones.
To my daughter Ellen and her husband Matt
While we may not agree on much politically, I do respect and honor your thoughts and opinions. You both are successful, well educated and very intelligent. Most of those I am not, well at least not officially. I like your approach to being married and taking things smart and slow regarding many important decisions that life presents you with. I have no doubt that you will always be successful in both marriage and profession. I promise Matt, to never hold that tattoo you have against you in any way. We were all crazy fans, some of us get lucky! Ellen, I love how you get so much from your music and how it is such a part of you.
To my step-son Gailen and his wife Andrea
It's nice to see you doing so well. A new house that was a lot of work and determination but with that work, you will have a very nice home for a long time. Having Ham Radio as a common interest has been fun. Keep up the hard work!
To my step-daughter Robin and her children Adrien and Abby
Robin your kids are great fun! Adrien is a brilliant active handful, but still brilliant. Abby keeps getting cuter and cuter! Taking care of them on your own cannot be easy so keep loving them while not forgetting to love yourself. Good job on the new career path... hardest part of a journey is the first few steps.
Last here but everyday first in my morning, my wife Loren
We took an interesting path to each other but I learned on my path, how to love someone every day. Every day through the good and the bad, troubles and fun. I look forward to each morning and each bedtime and the minutes between them. I feel blessed to be spending my life with you. Thank you for your humor, talents, drive and patience with me. We still have a long way to go, but it's a long way together. I love you Loren!
I am far from perfect as you all know. But in 2014, my hope and goal is to be a better man, a better dad, a better brother, a better son and by doing so, part of that is becoming a better Christian. It us up to all of us to write the story of our lives. So remember... "
Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does."