Friday, November 15, 2013

SnapChat and Monopoly Money

The New York Times reported that the tech start-up SnapChat turned down an offer of at least 3 BILLION dollars from Facebook. This on the heels of the recent IPO of Twitter, where on day, one a company with NO profit ever was valued on the NYSE at about 25 Billion dollars. Is the world that upside down? Is the dollar that much more valuable than the paper play money?

It seems that we have a market and economy based on Monopoly money. But then it occurred to me that's exactly what we have. The FED has been printing money based on a non existing monetary back up. Quantitative Easing is exactly like running your family budget and paying your bills with Monopoly money. At what point does someone say ENOUGH of this? And I don't mean American citizens, when will financial leaders around the world decide to stop relying on the U.S. dollar as much as it does. When that happens, we will quickly find out how the world banks will not accept and honor the Monopoly money the FED has saturated the financial markets with.

The FED has shown no signs up ending this practice that has artificially propped up the dollar for years now. With the U.S. debt now listing at 17.1 Trillion and some say it will be over 20 in just a couple of years.... when will someone get mad and turnover the monopoly table and end the game in a rage?

What exactly is  Quantitative Easing? This animation covers it pretty well.

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