Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Because he is BLACK ?

Racist? As before, the left is running out of ammunition so they are now pulling our the "R" word more often now in an attempt to discredit the Tea Party. The shutdown, the debt ceiling and even Obamacare is falling on it's face. What amazes me is how do these people get by with saying this over and over and over again. NOTHING the Tea Party/Conservatives have ever said is due to racism. I've been to rallies, meeting and events and consider myself a proud Tea Party member. The President is disliked and hated ONLY because of his policies, his contempt for the Constitution and his total lack of leadership. There are so many reasons to not agree with this President and his progressive friends. One thing that we don't care about is the color of his skin. If it were black, red, white or heck if it was red white and blue stripes with stars, we would still feel the same way.

Is that all they have to throw back at us? That's such a phony claim. The media obviously reports it yet it cannot ever be proven or demonstrated. It's kind of like the famous election theme "Hope and Change". It can be what ever the listener/viewer wants it to be. The claim is out there so it MUST be true right? Right? You cannot prove someones thoughts unless there is evidence of them thinking that. And in this case, there is NOTHING to demonstrate that Tea Party supporters are racist. Because WE ARE NOT!

The Law and Order TV star claimed that Tea Party members “Un-American racists who should secede from the union.” He believes Conservatives don’t oppose Obama because of the content of his character and political brand; he alleges Conservatives oppose Obama’s politics because they simply don’t like the color of his skin. Current Florida Representative Alan Grayson sent a fund raising letter with this photo included....

It seems like this is always the fallback, go to slam that the left has gone back to over and over for about 6 years now. Yet there is NO evidence that the Tea Party or those Americans that support are racist. But does the media call them out or do they cultivate the notion because it fits their agenda.

How easy Americans forget that it was the Democrats that started and operated the KKK. It was the Democrats that overwhelmingly voted AGAINST the Civil Rights amendments, and it is the Democrats that have run all of the failed cities in America with a higher population of black Americans. History shows us over and over, but do Americans today even realize this?

I know that nobody will read this... but that really is not while I write this blog. I vent, because those that need to listen, tuned out a long time ago. But at least when I am gone, people will know where I stood.


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