Ezra Taft Benson was a former Secretary of Agriculture under Eisenhower. This speech was offered in 1966 and while it may not have moved as fast as he may have thought, it is moving. This nation and some of it's leaders have speed up the process. With wealth redistribution, healthcare control, gun control and many other symptoms of creeping Socialism it is clear to me that we should at the very least be watchful and open minded. For those that will look for it, the signs are not hard to find. We have an openly Socialist member of the United States Senate... Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.
I urge you, listen to some of President Obama's early interviews on his thoughts about the United States Constitution. Then ask yourself...... why are his college transcripts, writings and records ALL sealed from public view?
Here is the "money line" from the speech...... "As we talked face-to-face, he indicated that my grandchildren would live under Communism. After assuring him that I expected to do all in my power to assure that his, and all other grandchildren, will live under freedom, he arrogantly declared, in substance: ‘You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright. But we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you; we’ll so weaken your economy until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.’”
Again I advise.... be watchful and seek the truth.
Racist? As before, the left is running out of ammunition so they are now pulling our the "R" word more often now in an attempt to discredit the Tea Party. The shutdown, the debt ceiling and even Obamacare is falling on it's face. What amazes me is how do these people get by with saying this over and over and over again. NOTHING the Tea Party/Conservatives have ever said is due to racism. I've been to rallies, meeting and events and consider myself a proud Tea Party member. The President is disliked and hated ONLY because of his policies, his contempt for the Constitution and his total lack of leadership. There are so many reasons to not agree with this President and his progressive friends. One thing that we don't care about is the color of his skin. If it were black, red, white or heck if it was red white and blue stripes with stars, we would still feel the same way.
Is that all they have to throw back at us? That's such a phony claim. The media obviously reports it yet it cannot ever be proven or demonstrated. It's kind of like the famous election theme "Hope and Change". It can be what ever the listener/viewer wants it to be. The claim is out there so it MUST be true right? Right? You cannot prove someones thoughts unless there is evidence of them thinking that. And in this case, there is NOTHING to demonstrate that Tea Party supporters are racist. Because WE ARE NOT!
The Law and Order TV star claimed that Tea Party members “Un-American racists who should secede from the union.” He believes Conservatives don’t oppose Obama because of the content of his character and political brand; he alleges Conservatives oppose Obama’s politics because they simply don’t like the color of his skin. Current Florida Representative Alan Grayson sent a fund raising letter with this photo included....
It seems like this is always the fallback, go to slam that the left has gone back to over and over for about 6 years now. Yet there is NO evidence that the Tea Party or those Americans that support are racist. But does the media call them out or do they cultivate the notion because it fits their agenda.
How easy Americans forget that it was the Democrats that started and operated the KKK. It was the Democrats that overwhelmingly voted AGAINST the Civil Rights amendments, and it is the Democrats that have run all of the failed cities in America with a higher population of black Americans. History shows us over and over, but do Americans today even realize this?
I know that nobody will read this... but that really is not while I write this blog. I vent, because those that need to listen, tuned out a long time ago. But at least when I am gone, people will know where I stood.
I heard you talk about the forgotten man last week. You were talking about me. You were talking about us. I’m the farmer in Iowa, I’m a school bus driver in Tennessee, I’m a travelling salesman in Texas, I’m not rich I’m not poor. I’m not from the East Coast or the West Coast. I was not at the top of my class and I didn’t occupy the bottom spot. I live, work, and raise my family somewhere in between. And that is why I am the forgotten man. Some call me middle class. Some think I’m average. Most think I’m ordinary. I’m none of these. Is the man who spends 14 hours a day in the field to help feed your family ordinary? Is the school bus driver who knows every kid by name and who also works on weekend to help feed her family, is she average? Is the salesman that drives from Dallas to Amarillo and ask his client, Mary, about her son who has been in the hospital so many times and gives her a had you gone as tears stream down her cheeks. Is he ordinary? Is he average? No, we are not average or ordinary and we don’t just occupy the middle. We’re so much more than that. And we are forgotten. And some say the rich are too rich and the poor are too poor. Where I live, we don’t measure people by what they have or don’t have. We don’t measure them by what they say. We measure people by what they do, by how they treat their neighbor and by the most important possession they have, we find out what’s in their heart.
We do pay attention to what is and mostly what isn’t happening in Washington, D.C. these days and in New York and in Hollywood and we chuckle because we know the answers to our nation’s problems won’t come from Pennsylvania Avenue or Wall Street or from Hollywood and Vine. The answers are already right here. The answers are on main street on maple street on route 14 or farm to market 141. But nobody big important, I guess, ever drives those roads. Just those of us who are forgotten.
Before I wrote to you, I did a little research. The New York Times has a daily subscription for both paper and digital editions of 1.8 million subscribers and on Sunday it’s 2.3 million. My math tells me that’s an average of 2 million readers. Has anybody ever wondered what the other 328 million Americans are thinking about? I guess not.
See the Red in this map below? Those people no longer have a voice in the finance of this nations government. The dysfunctional House, Senate and White House have driven us to the cliff, and when we stop just before going over, they stop us and appear to be heroes and the media eats it up. They just put off the cliff for a few months and in doing so Minority Leader, Republican Senator Mitch McConnell was GIVEN a 2 BILLION gift to his home state. Imagine the balls on this traitor, to blame Ted Cruz for standing up for what he believes and then turns around and takes the hand out. I guess we now have confirmation of what is important to Mr. McConnell.
Elections DO have consequences, but it seems the only sacrifice required was from the RED areas of the country. Perhaps it's time to introduce a 3rd color to that map. The people that live in the red on this map, no longer have a voice. I am so unbelievably frustrated and pissed off that we allow this to happen over and over again. Folks this cannot keep going. All they did was delay and put off the inevitable. There has not been a budget passed by congress SINCE PRESIDENT OBAMA TOOK OFFICE. Explain that one.
The night the shutdown ended, Brian Williams on the NBC Nightly News without hesitation blamed the Republicans entirely for the shutdown. So in his mind, it is wrong for the United States Senators and House REPRESENTATIVES to REPRESENT the people that elected him and stand up for something they believe in. What he did not mention is the multiple attempts to pass compromise legislation to keep the government running. One thing that Reid and the President refused to even debate was a delay of the healthcare law mandate tax for 1 year. A deal that the President had already given ( against the law ) to his union buddies. And then there was the offer to require that congress and it's staff be included in the new healthcare law. Again Reid and the President refused to even debate this compromise.
As much as I dislike the deal that was made, I would have accepted it as part of the game. It was just a battle in the long war being fought for the fiscal future of the nation. But when we learn about the McConnell deal and then learn about the other not so "clean" parts of this bill I was so frustrated that things have reached this point in the country.
Hopefully this will be another one of those moments where the coach puts some opponents crazy comment on the bulletin board that inspires the team to victory. Sadly, I am not feeling that. The debt crisis in this nation is beyond repair. I feel entirely helpless and sometime hopeless. But then isn't that how the Progressives want us to feel? They would be very happy if the likes of Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and yes even Jeff Chancey would just shut up, sit in the corner and be quiet. They would let their media tell the citizens how the Democrats saved the country and always know what is best for them.
The elephant in the room that all of Congress is ignoring... is debt. The screenshot below is as of 11:29 am on 10/17/2013. These numbers according to usdebtclock.org is why I feel that this is the true reason to be concerned and afraid. Every citizen, including those born today have their share of the debt OVER $53,000. Every taxpayer owes over $148,000 JUST to payback the debt that CONGRESS has racked up.
Source USDebtClock.org
I am afraid for this country, my neighbors and especially afraid for me and my family. This cannot continue, much like the stock market was 7 years ago... it's due for a correction. And this one I suspect, will be ugly. What difference can I make? Probably none but at least I am standing up to be counted. Too bad I am being put in my corner and being told to be quiet. But I stand... for the Constitution!
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety,