"Obama plans to open talks using his most recent budget proposal, which
sought to raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy by $1.6 trillion
over the next decade, White House press secretary Jay Carney said
The gunpoint comes in at the time of going over "the fiscal cliff" because compromise was not reached. And if that happens, all we will here now for the next 4 years is how the evil Republicans caved to some has been named Grover (no not the funny guy on Sesame Street) and refused to compromise THEIR ground and just let the country collapse. When have the Democrats caved and given up some of their hallowed beliefs? The democrat controlled Senate has not even done their job and passed a budget the last 3 years.... and where is the media pounding that question to them? Why is the media not holding the gun on these politicians who have simply failed to do what they were sent there to do? And if they did, would the chamber be filled with anything but blanks?
The Left has their goons in media to go out and do the P.R. dirty work and because they don't get challenged, the American public takes the bait. There used to be a time when most of the media was honest and actually did their job to disclose the shortcomings of governments and to the truth teller to the public. Where is the honest media that can get these politicians to take the bait on that hook line and sinker, and finally SET THE HOOK?
Remember, President Obama wants to take 1.6 trillion from the private sector, and the people will NEVER see the money again. You disagree? Then let me know... comment section below !