Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cities in Trouble?

Why are cities and states in financial trouble ?

In these times, does it seem wise to you to cut back on Police, Teachers and Firefighters? Not to me, but that is just what many of them are doing. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is calling Congress back in for an emergency session (oddly at the kick off of election season) to pass a 26 Billion dollar bill to help fund Police, Teachers and Firefighters calling it a "jobs bill". Did you know we still have $421 Billion UNSPENT dollars from the stimulus bill passed in the 1st year of President Obama's presidency? Yep... 421 Billion. A bill he sold as saving those exact same jobs last year.

Seems to be for a "laser like focus on jobs", the president could direct some of those funds but even then, it's a short term fix because cities can't find the money in the budget to keep those jobs. Or they say they can't.

Oakland,Philadelphia, Baltimore, Newark, Chicago and East St.Louis are threatening to cut the above mentioned positions. Here are some projects they ARE funding in their budgets... Oakland spends 7 million a year on museums, Newark has $39,608,662 set aside for "Neighborhood and Recreational Services". Philadelphia can save a couple cops right off the bat by cutting the $1 million set aside for mural arts. Baltimore, cops are on the chopping block, but $750,000 for the opera house.

These are cities full of citizens that thought the government was there to protect them, but seems the established leaders are NOT doing so. Must be evil rich republicans right? Fat cat bankers? Tea Party people? Here is a listing of which party and how long they have been in control in some of these cities.

Oakland - Democrats 33 years
Philadelphia - Democrats 58 years
Newark - Democrats 82 years
Baltimore - Democrats 43 years
CHICAGO - yep, Democrats 79 years

How is that working out for you there people? Below is my inspiration for this, yes he has a lot of emotion... but where is he wrong? Let me stress, the Republicans and GW Bush are not innocent in the situation either. Both parties have sat back, and let this country or LEAD this nation into a financial crisis at ALL levels of National, State AND local government. This is one of the main concerns of the Tea Party movement. Not violence or racism as some media has claimed. I can speak for myself and others I know stand and we stand for fiscal responsibility, smaller government and more individual liberty.

Mr. Beck you have the floor...


  1. Thanks !!! Stay tuned.... I have a post coming on gay marriage that might surprise some. Also... less Beck and more ME !
