Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Would Washington Be Proud?
I took this photo today in Pittsburg, KS. It is in front of an old vacant school... the fact that nobody bothers to take down torn and ripped flag really hit me. Would Washington be proud of this display ? Is this why he and the founders did what they did?
This nation is really going through a change... will it be for good, or for bad? I think we will get past all of the bickering and trouble but it might take some serious struggles. Imagine seeing this image during the revolution that formed this country and the damage could be from the battles of war... but no this, like so many things is a symbol of where we are in America.
The battle damaged flags waved as a sign that we are not giving up, we will survive. Today's weathered and tattered flag is from neglect and indifference, let's just hope it does not become a battle damaged flag once again.
Would Washington Be Proud ?
God Bless America !!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Fall In Kansas, and Me
Rain in the spring can awaken the world with color and new growth and in the fall it can renew as well. Recently it rained here in Kansas and before that the colors of fall were gray, faded and not inspiring. After the rain it was like God went through and did his version of a "photoshop enhance" as only he can. The greens were brighter, the browns of the wood became darker and created a brighter contrast with the glorious changing leaves. Truly wonderful.... Thank you God!
While fall is my favorite season, it makes me look back at the spring and summer with good memories and also the constant fear that I did not do enough. But being over 50, I seem to have those thoughts year around lately. And I do so knowing that winter is right around the corner.
But winters come and go. Life flies by and before you know it, most of it is behind you and less in front of you. I heard this great quote today... "You live life forward, you understand it backwards". Still working on the understanding part though. Some days I feel content and comfortable and some I feel worry and discomfort. Not really physical discomfort but the feeling that I have not done enough, mainly with my family. I try but do I try enough.. ? How do you know or how can you tell? I have a wonderful wife, 3 great daughters, and 2 great step-children, a good job, food to eat, a great home and family. So maybe I did do ok. But then again, some times it is hard to decode. But then is it up to us to decode?
I feel this is a rambling mess, but I am trying to make these postings more frequently and include something other than politics. Time for us to heal, grow and learn from each other. I understand there are some things about loved ones that I will never understand or agree with and I am ok with that... I still love you all !!
Fall is here... and passing by very fast, this year any way.
Here's to many more falls !
While fall is my favorite season, it makes me look back at the spring and summer with good memories and also the constant fear that I did not do enough. But being over 50, I seem to have those thoughts year around lately. And I do so knowing that winter is right around the corner.
But winters come and go. Life flies by and before you know it, most of it is behind you and less in front of you. I heard this great quote today... "You live life forward, you understand it backwards". Still working on the understanding part though. Some days I feel content and comfortable and some I feel worry and discomfort. Not really physical discomfort but the feeling that I have not done enough, mainly with my family. I try but do I try enough.. ? How do you know or how can you tell? I have a wonderful wife, 3 great daughters, and 2 great step-children, a good job, food to eat, a great home and family. So maybe I did do ok. But then again, some times it is hard to decode. But then is it up to us to decode?
I feel this is a rambling mess, but I am trying to make these postings more frequently and include something other than politics. Time for us to heal, grow and learn from each other. I understand there are some things about loved ones that I will never understand or agree with and I am ok with that... I still love you all !!
Fall is here... and passing by very fast, this year any way.
Here's to many more falls !
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Gay Marriage...a Right or is Right?
This posting has taken me a few weeks and months of thinking and analyzing. I am sure my thoughts will not change the world or change the debate on this topic but I feel like I needed to put this down and publish. I am not asking you to agree or disagree with me, or for this post to change your opinions. Please read and feel free to comment below if you would like.
While listening to the debate on the Ground Zero Mosque I heard the most profound comment. The person being interviewed for their opinion, said... "Just because they have the RIGHT to do build it there, does not mean it's the RIGHT thing to do". I took that and used it in my view on gay marriage. Just because some may feel it's not the RIGHT thing to do, but they really should have the RIGHT to do it?
I also believe that the Conservatives/Republicans (which I consider myself both) do themselves harm by having such a strong anti-gay marriage stance and message. This country has so many much larger and important issues that threaten liberty and freedom. And some of us march to take liberty and freedoms away from a few.
Jesus did not teach us to condemn but taught us to love, accept and show kindness. The Bible says in Matthew 7:1-2 "Do not Judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you". I am not better or more perfect than anyone for sure, but I have to question those who speak out so firmly against something when surely their own closets are not full of empty hangers.
Sometimes you have to be a little closer to an issue to fully see all sides and understand them. I have gay/lesbian friends and family members and I love them all. I love them because they are human beings, wonderful people, and live in a great country, the United States of America. A country that since it's creation, teaches LIBERTY for all, not just for some of the "all". I watched Christian artist Jennifer Knapp appear on CNN's Larry King show. And shortly after condemning Jennifer for her preferences, Pastor Bob Botsford then said "God is the judge". That kind of approach on a national TV show is why Christians have such a struggle with this debate. Hypocrisy will take all credibility from a person and from their side of the debate.
Our relationship with our Lord is Individual and not collective. It is up to me to care for my salvation and up to you to care for yours. We all can do a better job of caring for ourselves and our beliefs before mandating or criminalizing others for theirs.
This debate is far from over, and while I may not agree that one judge should have the ability to overturn the vote of a majority like recently in California, the question is should it even be on a ballot at all. Is adultery on the ballot ? Is alcoholism on the ballot? It's ok for you to oppose gay marriage, but is it ok for you to legislate against gay marriage, or alcoholism, or adultery? I did not mean to compare these issues between themselves but more of a comparison as to how the opposition handles their beliefs. Do we see a push for an amendment to the constitution to ban whiskey ? Or pornography?
My thoughts are not perfect and I am sure someone can tear them apart, but they are just that my thoughts. And for now, in America we can still have individual thought and opinion.
Those are my Kansas Thoughts today... but I am still thinking about this topic and you should too!
While listening to the debate on the Ground Zero Mosque I heard the most profound comment. The person being interviewed for their opinion, said... "Just because they have the RIGHT to do build it there, does not mean it's the RIGHT thing to do". I took that and used it in my view on gay marriage. Just because some may feel it's not the RIGHT thing to do, but they really should have the RIGHT to do it?
I also believe that the Conservatives/Republicans (which I consider myself both) do themselves harm by having such a strong anti-gay marriage stance and message. This country has so many much larger and important issues that threaten liberty and freedom. And some of us march to take liberty and freedoms away from a few.
Jesus did not teach us to condemn but taught us to love, accept and show kindness. The Bible says in Matthew 7:1-2 "Do not Judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you". I am not better or more perfect than anyone for sure, but I have to question those who speak out so firmly against something when surely their own closets are not full of empty hangers.
Sometimes you have to be a little closer to an issue to fully see all sides and understand them. I have gay/lesbian friends and family members and I love them all. I love them because they are human beings, wonderful people, and live in a great country, the United States of America. A country that since it's creation, teaches LIBERTY for all, not just for some of the "all". I watched Christian artist Jennifer Knapp appear on CNN's Larry King show. And shortly after condemning Jennifer for her preferences, Pastor Bob Botsford then said "God is the judge". That kind of approach on a national TV show is why Christians have such a struggle with this debate. Hypocrisy will take all credibility from a person and from their side of the debate.
Our relationship with our Lord is Individual and not collective. It is up to me to care for my salvation and up to you to care for yours. We all can do a better job of caring for ourselves and our beliefs before mandating or criminalizing others for theirs.
This debate is far from over, and while I may not agree that one judge should have the ability to overturn the vote of a majority like recently in California, the question is should it even be on a ballot at all. Is adultery on the ballot ? Is alcoholism on the ballot? It's ok for you to oppose gay marriage, but is it ok for you to legislate against gay marriage, or alcoholism, or adultery? I did not mean to compare these issues between themselves but more of a comparison as to how the opposition handles their beliefs. Do we see a push for an amendment to the constitution to ban whiskey ? Or pornography?
My thoughts are not perfect and I am sure someone can tear them apart, but they are just that my thoughts. And for now, in America we can still have individual thought and opinion.
Those are my Kansas Thoughts today... but I am still thinking about this topic and you should too!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Cities in Trouble?
Why are cities and states in financial trouble ?
In these times, does it seem wise to you to cut back on Police, Teachers and Firefighters? Not to me, but that is just what many of them are doing. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is calling Congress back in for an emergency session (oddly at the kick off of election season) to pass a 26 Billion dollar bill to help fund Police, Teachers and Firefighters calling it a "jobs bill". Did you know we still have $421 Billion UNSPENT dollars from the stimulus bill passed in the 1st year of President Obama's presidency? Yep... 421 Billion. A bill he sold as saving those exact same jobs last year.
Seems to be for a "laser like focus on jobs", the president could direct some of those funds but even then, it's a short term fix because cities can't find the money in the budget to keep those jobs. Or they say they can't.
Oakland,Philadelphia, Baltimore, Newark, Chicago and East St.Louis are threatening to cut the above mentioned positions. Here are some projects they ARE funding in their budgets... Oakland spends 7 million a year on museums, Newark has $39,608,662 set aside for "Neighborhood and Recreational Services". Philadelphia can save a couple cops right off the bat by cutting the $1 million set aside for mural arts. Baltimore, cops are on the chopping block, but $750,000 for the opera house.
These are cities full of citizens that thought the government was there to protect them, but seems the established leaders are NOT doing so. Must be evil rich republicans right? Fat cat bankers? Tea Party people? Here is a listing of which party and how long they have been in control in some of these cities.
Oakland - Democrats 33 years
Philadelphia - Democrats 58 years
Newark - Democrats 82 years
Baltimore - Democrats 43 years
CHICAGO - yep, Democrats 79 years
How is that working out for you there people? Below is my inspiration for this, yes he has a lot of emotion... but where is he wrong? Let me stress, the Republicans and GW Bush are not innocent in the situation either. Both parties have sat back, and let this country or LEAD this nation into a financial crisis at ALL levels of National, State AND local government. This is one of the main concerns of the Tea Party movement. Not violence or racism as some media has claimed. I can speak for myself and others I know stand and we stand for fiscal responsibility, smaller government and more individual liberty.
Mr. Beck you have the floor...
In these times, does it seem wise to you to cut back on Police, Teachers and Firefighters? Not to me, but that is just what many of them are doing. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is calling Congress back in for an emergency session (oddly at the kick off of election season) to pass a 26 Billion dollar bill to help fund Police, Teachers and Firefighters calling it a "jobs bill". Did you know we still have $421 Billion UNSPENT dollars from the stimulus bill passed in the 1st year of President Obama's presidency? Yep... 421 Billion. A bill he sold as saving those exact same jobs last year.
Seems to be for a "laser like focus on jobs", the president could direct some of those funds but even then, it's a short term fix because cities can't find the money in the budget to keep those jobs. Or they say they can't.
Oakland,Philadelphia, Baltimore, Newark, Chicago and East St.Louis are threatening to cut the above mentioned positions. Here are some projects they ARE funding in their budgets... Oakland spends 7 million a year on museums, Newark has $39,608,662 set aside for "Neighborhood and Recreational Services". Philadelphia can save a couple cops right off the bat by cutting the $1 million set aside for mural arts. Baltimore, cops are on the chopping block, but $750,000 for the opera house.
These are cities full of citizens that thought the government was there to protect them, but seems the established leaders are NOT doing so. Must be evil rich republicans right? Fat cat bankers? Tea Party people? Here is a listing of which party and how long they have been in control in some of these cities.
Oakland - Democrats 33 years
Philadelphia - Democrats 58 years
Newark - Democrats 82 years
Baltimore - Democrats 43 years
CHICAGO - yep, Democrats 79 years
How is that working out for you there people? Below is my inspiration for this, yes he has a lot of emotion... but where is he wrong? Let me stress, the Republicans and GW Bush are not innocent in the situation either. Both parties have sat back, and let this country or LEAD this nation into a financial crisis at ALL levels of National, State AND local government. This is one of the main concerns of the Tea Party movement. Not violence or racism as some media has claimed. I can speak for myself and others I know stand and we stand for fiscal responsibility, smaller government and more individual liberty.
Mr. Beck you have the floor...
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Bobbie Chancey - Wonderful Lady !
Morning Sun, The (Pittsburg, KS)
November 8, 2008 NIKKI PATRICK The Morning Sun |
"I'm too young to be this darn old," the Vintage Place resident said with a laugh. She is celebrating her 100th birthday today with a reception from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Vintage Place. Punch and cake will be served, and all friends and family are invited to stop by. That includes the hundreds of customers whose money she used to take at Harry's Cafe. She and her husband owned and operated the cafe for many years. Chancey said the restaurant started in 1937. "It was started by Harry Clements," she said. "It was part of a chain. They had eight restaurants in other places, like Kansas City and Ponca City, Okla., and Harry wanted to put a cafe in a college town." Clements eventually sold the cafe to the Chanceys. "We paid it off in five years," Chancey said. The restaurant thrived, and was especially popular for breakfast and lunch. Sunday breakfast at Harry's was a tradition for many. Harry's was also the first restaurant in Pittsburg to have air conditioning. Chancey's husband and son, Charles Chancey, cooked, and other family members helped out. "I never had anything to do with the food," Chancey said. "I was a hostess, and I took the money. I called all the customers by their first name - it made them feel more comfortable, and was more homey." Some of the customers really felt at home. "We had some people who ate with us three times a day," Chancey said. The family sold the cafe to Henry Farris in 1991. "Bobbie quit with us," said Jake Chancey, daughter-in-law. "Six months later they called her up and asked if she'd come back and work on weekends." Chancey was happy to go back, and continued working until she was 93. "I liked the people and didn't even mind the work," she said. "I didn't want to give it up. I didn't really get old, it's just that my body got tired." Chancey was born Mona Imogene Niswonger on Nov. 8, 1908 in Oklahoma. "It was the part of Oklahoma where they grow cotton," she said. "My mother used to make a sack for me out of a flour sack, and I'd put that over my shoulder and pick cotton. When the bag was full, I'd take it to the mill and get $3 for it." She got the nickname "Bobbie" in the 1920s, when she bobbed (cut) her hair. She and her late husband had three children. Son Charles Chancey is deceased. Daughter Bobbie Ann Oehme, Pittsburg, is a main caregiver for her mother, and youngest son Jerry Chancey lives in Florissant, Mo. Chancey has eight grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. She enjoys visits from family and friends and likes to watch the Weather Channel. She also loves to eat, and keeps plenty of snacks within easy reach. Her health is remarkable for someone reaching the century mark. "When I go to see Dr. Kathleen Sandness for a check-up, she tells me that whatever I'm doing, I should keep on doing it," Chancey said. |
Copyright 2008, The Morning Sun, All Rights Reserved. |
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Not "By The People" anymore...

It's more like, Congress will determine what is best "For The People" without our voice being heard. Or at least I hope it was heard, it seems it was just not a part of the decision making process in regards to the health care reform that they are forcing on us this weekend.
You all have heard that the majority of Americans don't want this..... I can think of so many reasons and maybe the most important has nothing to do with doctors, nurses, insurance companies or patients..... We're BROKE !! And this is going to cost OVER 1 trillion dollars over 10 years for only 6 years of benefits. What happens after the 10 years is up...... think about it.
I feel very helpless in this world at the moment. Our fate is being decided by congressional members that do not even have to answer to my state. It's March 20, there is about 4 inches of snow on the ground in Kansas, and this winter has such a tight hold on me that I feel compressed and in a way silenced and meaningless.
I have a job, good health, great family, a home, a wonderful wife and I live in America....
Why does that last one seem less important today..... it didn't have to be like this.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Rep Lynn Jenkins Video
Please watch this video.... and watch what "related YouTube throws out there on screen after hers is done !!!
What do you see.... ??
Now go to Nancy Pelosi and see what you see after her "pole vault" video.......
Something is not right here....... one of these things is not like the other ?
What do you see.... ??
Now go to Nancy Pelosi and see what you see after her "pole vault" video.......
Something is not right here....... one of these things is not like the other ?
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sometimes music expresses your mood better than words....
To the people I love....
Dreams will all come true
Being here with you
And time will fly
Caring each day more
Than the day before
Till spring rolls by
And when the springtime has gone
Will my love linger on
'Cause I'll be loving you... Always
With a love that's true... Always
When the things that you plan
Need a helping hand
I will understand
Always, always
Days may not be fair... Always
But that's when I'll be there... Always
Not for just an hour
No, no, not for just a day
Not for just a year
Oh but always
Days may not be fair... Always
But that's when I'll be there... Always
Not for just an hour
No, no, not for just a day
Not for just a year
Oh but always
Until forever is through
Until there's just me and you.......Always
Sometimes music expresses your mood better than words....
To the people I love....
Dreams will all come true
Being here with you
And time will fly
Caring each day more
Than the day before
Till spring rolls by
And when the springtime has gone
Will my love linger on
'Cause I'll be loving you... Always
With a love that's true... Always
When the things that you plan
Need a helping hand
I will understand
Always, always
Days may not be fair... Always
But that's when I'll be there... Always
Not for just an hour
No, no, not for just a day
Not for just a year
Oh but always
Days may not be fair... Always
But that's when I'll be there... Always
Not for just an hour
No, no, not for just a day
Not for just a year
Oh but always
Until forever is through
Until there's just me and you.......Always
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