Monday, September 8, 2008

United 93 and January 2009

I came across "United 93" on TV over the weekend. I watched in both amazement and sadness. This is a powerful movie that I am not sure I could watch in the theatre without the tension breaks offered with commercials.

This movie made me realize again that there are people in the world that hate us enough to plan a day like 9/11 and pull it off almost flawlessly. They are still out there and still hate us. A couple of moments from the story affected me the most were the accounts are from real people on the ground. The Verizon supervisor saying the Lords prayer with one of the passengers, and the young lady talking to her mom for they both knew it would be the last time they would hear each others voice.

I know people always throw out the argument about seeing these images and hearing these stories as painful and inappropriate but it seems to me these have never lost the importance to Americans. What would we do in that situation? I can say I am not sure and I also never hope I have to find out. This country is filled with amazing people from all walks of life and all political beliefs but the message is for all of us. Freedom has never been kept without struggle.

The struggle goes on and this election is an example of that struggle in how to protect the country. If we were forced to elect our next president on ONE issue alone... I would pick national security above others because what good is great health care, low taxes and a great economy IF the country and it's citizens are not safe? Would I feel more comfortable choosing the protection of the John McCain policies or those or Barack Obama? No question in my mind... country first means America first.

We don't have to rely on one issue for the election, but let's not forget about the safety or our country. This is America and whoever is inaugurated in January 2009 should keep the above paragraph in mind. We can all agree America is the greatest country in the world and as the seasons begin to change, the election season is what really makes this country the strongest in the world...

Let's ROLL !!

1 comment:

  1. HI Jeff!
    Just checked out your site. Looks pretty good. I think you have a good blog going on. Your views are straight forward. People should never lose sight of the BIG picture! Keep on voicing your opinion.
    ~ Pilar
