Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Losing Game and 1.6 Trillion Robbery

A losing game is being played at gunpoint and the media is holding the gun with a chamber full of Democrat ammunition.

"Obama plans to open talks using his most recent budget proposal, which sought to raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy by $1.6 trillion over the next decade, White House press secretary Jay Carney said Tuesday."
This was the quote in a Washington Post article recently. What simply blows my mind that people don't see it this way but the President wants to TAKE 1.6 trillion from the Private Sector money supply and hand it over to the government in Washington to spend it as they see fit. That has worked out SO well in the past has it not? I never really looked at it like that but it is true. They are taking from those who have, and taking for themselves, the right to spend as they desire, not reducing debt or spending one dollar.

The gunpoint comes in at the time of going over "the fiscal cliff" because compromise was not reached. And if that happens, all we will here now for the next 4 years is how the evil Republicans caved to some has been named Grover (no not the funny guy on Sesame Street) and refused to compromise THEIR ground and just let the country collapse. When have the Democrats caved and given up some of their hallowed beliefs? The democrat controlled Senate has not even done their job and passed a budget the last 3 years.... and where is the media pounding that question to them? Why is the media not holding the gun on these politicians who have simply failed to do what they were sent there to do? And if they did, would the chamber be filled with anything but blanks?

The Left has their goons in media to go out and do the P.R. dirty work and because they don't get challenged, the American public takes the bait. There used to be a time when most of the media was honest and actually did their job to disclose the shortcomings of governments and to the truth teller to the public. Where is the honest media that can get these politicians to take the bait on that hook line and sinker, and finally SET THE HOOK?

Remember, President Obama wants to take 1.6 trillion from the private sector, and the people will NEVER see the money again. You disagree? Then let me know... comment section below !


Monday, November 5, 2012

Time To Close The Electoral College ?

Photo: C-Span
Not so fast...

I set out writing this post with the intent of making a case for eliminating the Electoral College. For years I defended it, but as this election looms as another close one and speculation creeps in of a college/popular vote split, I decided to do some research to solidify my case. The first article I read was eye opening. Once again, the founders and framers of this nation display their divine guidance and brilliance.

With the advancements in technology, media and communications nationwide I was prepared to say get rid of it. But I quickly learned that there is MUCH more to this. One thing I had not considered, what if a candidate does not get above 50% of the popular vote? Do we have a runoff? Or do you have a president that cannot even get a popular majority vote? What does that do to the timing? The historically successful 2 party system has taken care of that. I know the 3rd party people are saying YES what about us? Read this article linked below and then come back with your argument posted in comments below!

After reading this article linked below, I am still solidly on the side of retaining the Electoral College, regardless of the outcome of any election. If you would like to discuss, then please read the link and then let's have a conversation in the comments below.

The Pro's and Con's of the Electoral College System

More info on the Electoral College:

NARA Federal Register

Popular Vote or Electoral College