Thursday rolled around and this was the big day. The acceptance speech of Donald J Trump preceded by his daughter Ivanka. I thought her speech was incredibly good. She obviously respects and honors him as it seems most of his family does as well. Something we don't have in the White House currently. The current President has a brother living in a shack in Africa and an Aunt that was almost deported because she had over extended her Visa as a non resident alien. So much for being your brothers keeper and helping your family live a respectable life while you live in luxury.
Her speech showed me a side of Donald J Trump that I had not seen and I was impressed. She introduced her father and he came out and gave a nice speech. He actually showed s some humility in talking about the support he has received from Christian groups. Trump said a lot of things that I agreed with. After watching him for well over an hour, I was pretty much all in ready to vote for him because having Hillary as President would be horrible and dangerous to this country. So Thursday I was on the Trump train.... but then because of Donald himself, it was a short trip.
Those of you that know me, know that I am a Glenn Beck fan. I usually agree with Beck and admire his respect for history and the Constitution. The Constitution, a word which was used one time in the Trump speech referencing the Supreme Court nomination. ONE TIME.
Friday, the morning after the speech Beck reviewed some of the the statements made during the speech. Some of these I thought may have been an over reaction from Beck but got me to rethink and dig a little deeper. So much of his speech I wanted to like some things that didn't sit well. Statements like "I alone can fix it". Uh no President has that much power..... yet.
Then this one...
“I am not going to let companies move to other countries, firing their employees along the way without consequences.” I can see saying that I will make it so companies won't WANT to move oversees but NOT ALLOWING them to do so? What is he going to do.. arrest them ? Post security guards to keep them on THIS side of the wall? Revoke their passport?
Still leaning towards the idea that Beck MAY be over reacting but while his radio show was going on, news came out that Trump was trashing Ted Cruz hard this morning. Going after his wife and the National Enquirer piece about Refael Cruz and Kennedy. Seriously the supermarket tabloid? After the big speech in which Trump did not bash Cruz or even mention him, I thought he might be past it, but nope he wen't after him with a full load of shi*. This is a man that wants to lead the country yet keeps throwing trash at his enemies. How will he handle real challenges like Putin and the Middle East?
I just can't do it. Believe me I have spun the whloe "a vote for anyone but Trump is a vote for Hillary" thing in my head for months. After the FBI recommended no charges for Clinton in the server/email mess I was settled on voting for Trump because of the obvious. So in 3 days this week I went from Trump to Cruz, back to Trump and then finally away from Trump. But now where?? I do not know the answer.
The wildcard STILL to me is the Supreme Court. With possibly 2 or 3 replacements due, the next president will have a major impact on freedom and upholding the Constitution in America. Sure the Senate has to approve any Clinton nominee, but the Senate and the House of Representatives have shown little spine in standing up to Obama and his administration why would we expect any different in the future under a Clinton administration.
What am I going to do? Who will be the next president? Those and many more questions will be answered in the next few months. Let's all pray that something horrible does not happen and turn this country in to even more of a mess than it is now.
Many will argue with me, many will think I am a dumb Kansan or a wacko Conservative. Some members of my own family will openly disagree with me but I am just speaking my mind and my heart. I hope you all recognize that I ALWAYS allow you to speak yours.
To everyone but especially to those that disagree with AND read this piece to get to this point..... I LOVE YOU and Thank You. Together we will make things better but not by insults and anger.