Thursday, January 5, 2012

What Constitution?

"But when Congress refuses to act, and as a result, hurts our economy and puts our people at risk, then I have an obligation as President to do what I can without them."
President Obama on January 4, 2012.

Uh, NO !

Wow, that is perhaps the most troubling statement ever made by this president. So many to choose from but this one is frightening. This is not the first time he has made a statement like this. Now I admit that congress is for the most part inaffective, that does NOT give the President the right to bypass congress to get done what he feels is the right thing to do. Under the United States Constitution, one individual does not have that much power. You would think that a constitutional scholar like the president would understand the limits of power provided by that document. But how can we be sure when we have never seen any of his writings or opinions (they have not been released).

Not to get into the details of this particular piece of legislation (look here is you'd like to) but this is a clear disregard of the constitution and it's limits on power of the three branches of government. Because of open election results, one branch thinks this is a bad bill and is blocking the completion and implementation. Exactly how it is designed to do. The president does not have the power and authority to bypass congress and implement dictatorial actions to accomplish what HE thinks is the right thing to do.

I started to write here about main stream media, but this is beyond the media. This is the peoples problem. We are the ones that need to be outraged and fearful of such power grabs by any form of government, especially ours. Like most government entities, you give them an inch and they take a yard. Does America really want ONE person to have the power to affect millions of people with one signature?

That is not the America I know, how about you?

Americans, it is 2012... time to stand up.