Never before has congress steamrolled legislation that completely goes against the will of the American people. The current congress is doing that right now on so many fronts that our heads should be spinning. From Health care to Cap and Trade, these people are ignoring the common will of the people in a power grab hidden as "the right thing to do" is making me sick.
All so the president can have a topic for the State of the Union heading in to the 2010 mid term elections. If he does not have health care, what does he have? Nothing. War is raging and he is doing the raging. The economy is pathetic with 10% unemployed and no real turn around in sight. Iran has not been stopped and no President Obama has NOT sat down for direct talks as he promised he would do. Spending is so out of control that my grandchildren will not be able to pay our debts. The dollar is in danger of collapsing and we basically owe China so much, perhaps they should have a seat in congress.
2010 should be a good election for Conservatives but will it be enough? Will it be too late?