Is this government on the right track... anybody?
Our country's debt is growing at a pace that has never been seen, and the congress and President want to KEEP spending ? Imagine you and I doing that in our household. Congress, along with former President GW Bush and current President Obama, continue rolling out new bills, new policies, new "reforms" while seemingly ignoring the bottom line. Gold is at an all time high, and the dollar at an all time LOW. Last week Obama said they have "brought back the economy from the brink" Seriously ?
Unemployment is over 10%... actual unemployed number is closer to 20% if you count those that no longer qualify for unemployment or have stopped looking. That means 1 in 5 people eligible for work, are NOT working. The stimulus funding has really had no impact. Not even IF you believe the info on, we are still in deep trouble. But the government can't even get that website task right, that web site had bogus jobs credited, numbers not adding up and congressional districts listed that DON'T EVEN EXIST.... and they want to run health care for us ? Seriously ?
The media continues to ignore real problems our country is facing and concentrates it's time on degrading and insulting Sarah Palin, and slamming "teabaggers" with obscene references that most of the country has never heard used like that before. Is all of that more important than a country going broke and our lenders are now having second thoughts about loaning MORE to us? Seriously ?
Now they bring 911 planners and other terrorist to New York for trial ? First thing that comes to the "common sense" mind is... what about Miranda right ? These terrorist were not read their rights before arrest. That is a foundation of our criminal and court systems. Many things could happen and both are bad. They could ask that charges be dropped for that reason and the judge can either agree and they are FREE to go, OR they move on any way and they are convicted without full rights then a new precedent is set. You and I could be arrested without knowing our rights up front... Or even worse they begin to use "world" court laws and rules... then there is a whole new set of precedents to be set there. Seriously ?
Now is the time for all of us to stand up ! Be informed, ask questions, speak your mind! Now is the time. Seriously.
I encourage you all to regularly visit this site... read the postings, watch the videos and learn what is happening while most of us sit and watch the media cover things like the balloon boy.
Go - The 912 Project
See - The words of Thomas Jefferson
Enough is enough !!