100 Days in and President Obama is still campaigning--
In his "town hall" from Missouri today the President of the United States talked like it was September of 2008. Dude, you have the office, you ARE President of the greatest country in the world, the United States of America. For you to poke fun at a major cable network with millions of loyal viewers shows me that you do not respect the office you were elected to, or millions of cable viewers.
Am I surprised... nope. After all, this is the man that had no idea what Air Force One was doing Monday morning when it did an ill advised flyover of NYC trailed by F-15 fighter jets for a PHOTO OP? And you try to tell us you did not know?
Back to the town hall... and right after the slam on Fox News Channel, he made light of people like ME out "waving teabags around"
This again shows no respect for the slightly less than half of the country that did NOT vote for him last November. I expect more from our President, regardless of party. What does that do to encourage a "work together" atmosphere? He says that he is remaking America and that I don't doubt. If remaking includes government owned and operated car companies, banks and other businesses than yes, I too hope he FAILS. Did Democrats want Bush to succeed?
I hope and pray that America wakes up and realizes the direction we are speeding down like a runaway train... in 2010, there needs to be a message delivered. 2010 needs to be a cleaning house election for people from both sides.
Specter Switch--
Senator Specter switched parties to retain his power, NOT for the people he represents. He switched because he was going to LOSE the Republican Primary in 2010. If his state has any interest in honesty and if they believe in the "For The People By The People" idea, they will not elect him when he runs again for any party. In March of this year he was quoted as saying he would not change parties, then a month later he went back on his word. The Democrats can keep him, he is their kind of man.
Please folks, be involved and be informed. Do your part, we can make a difference or we can always wish we had...