Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AIG and Fake Outrage

When the retention bonuses were announced over the weekend, mine as most peoples first impressions was something like "what was AIG thinking?". But then reality set in, and the outrage in DC elevated, I knew there had to be more to this story.

Where to begin... the contracts, these were retention bonuses agreed to, in contracts with AIG associates before the "stimulus package" was passed. Which was passed with a questionable amendment offered by Chris Dodd (outrager in top form) to EXEMPT bonuses in place before Feb 09' from the bills restrictions on corp exec compensation. On CNN and in less than 24 hours he went from not knowing how the amendment as altered to saying the "administration" had ordered him to put the amendment in exactly like it was. It was also discovered that the Treasury "tax cheat Geitner" knew of these for weeks. And testified as such on March 3rd in front of Congress.

For full disclosure, Dodd and "Senator" Obama were the top two recipients of campaign donations from AIG. John McCain was on that list too, sadly... Now they want to pass a bill to go back and TAX those bonuses at a 90% rate !!!! WHAT ???

The REAL outrage (other than outrage for ALL of the bailouts) should be directed at AIG for what they did with there TARP money and where they sent these amounts to other places.....

  • 13 BILLION to Goldman Sachs
  • 7 BILLION to Merryl Lynch
  • 5 BILLION to Bank of America
  • 13 BILLION to UK banks (yes a foreign bank)
  • 17 BILLION to GERMAN banks
  • 19 BILLION to FRENCH banks
  • 5 BILLION to SWISS banks


  • Total of 44 Billion to US Banks
  • Total of 62 Billion to FOREIGN Banks

And the outrage is about only $ 165 million ??

Congress put no controls in the TARP bill passed in 2008, and did not put ciontrols to limit or stop these. But when they were exposed they act like they are surprised and upset? Come on, don't they know that the American people are smarter than that? Or are we ?

Stand up people, don't let them go unchecked.

Do your homework, think for yourself. This video is VERY helpful in understanding the AIG bailout positions...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Government Controlling Churches ?

Yes they tried to...... until Americans heard about it. See this link....

I was amazed that when I searched for the article online in several sites, I only found it in ONE of FOUR "news" sites. AND that site was not I searched CNN, MSNBC, Foxnews and ABC News..... only ABC had the story.

You want to know the direction we are heading in, look at how this law was even considered. We are a country that needs to find it's moral direction. We are all either too scared or too blind to see. Everyone should watch the Glenn Beck show on Friday at 4pm Central Time.


Obama says out of one side of his mouth (read from a teleprompter) that earmarks need to be eliminated one minute in front of the cameras and microphones... then the same day SIGNS in to law a Government spending bill to fund itself, that contains almost 4,000 earmarks. But does so BEHIND the closed door and behind the curtain... Can WE have it both ways like it seems our president and his administration is enjoying it?


Stand UP AMERICA !!! We deserve to be heard !!!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tea Party... Whatever you call it !!

It is going to take DC politicians to LISTEN to us. But we have to be saying something when they do !!