Thursday, October 23, 2008

Maybe... Maybe Not...

If you run across this, don't think I am some kind of "right wing nut" but some thoughts have been running through my head and I felt the need to put them down somewhere. I saw a reference to a video in an email I received from the mailing list of author Jack Cashill that made a claim that Barack Obama may NOT be a natural born citizen thus not eligible to be President of the United States. While this is a stretch and probably nothing it did make me thing about the power of politics.

At first view I had a hard time getting into it and assumed it was just one of those previously mentioned "right wing nuts". Then I saw a link of a news story from another website referencing a similar issue.

I read some of the stories on there and you know when you start to see more stories from different sources that are related, a pattern evolves and what I did was dig deeper. I was curious about the official eligibility requirements for the office of President so I did a google search for "eligibility requirements for President of the U.S." I found the general answer but then on the 2nd or 3rd page I saw a link to a story from earlier this year in the New York Times and then I had another thought occur to me. This past year I remember saying to myself "it seems odd that new Senator Claire McCaskill from Missouri has been on all of the Sunday talk shows, spoke at the National Convention and taken a front row seat but maybe I stumbled on the reason why. This link below, when I first saw it on 10/22 had an image of the legal pad that McCaskill scribbled a bill to make sure there would be no question on John McCains eligibility due to the fact he was born outside the U.S. on a military base. She said.... “We can at least make a legislative declaration that the definition of ‘natural born’ includes children of the active military,” she said. “This should be done quickly and easily.” Good intentions... if that was all the bill stated as she wrote on her legal pad which for some strange reason someone thought to scan it in and release to the media..

Did you all notice who one of the cosponsors was? Barack Obama. And he even added a comment in the story at the end. He said "Senator McCain has earned the right to be his party's nominee, and no loophole should prevent him from competing in this campaign," Imagine that... a "loophole"?

Well that good but the bill that was written and voted on contained an additional line that caught my eye in Senate RES. 511...... "Whereas previous presidential candidates were born outside of the United States of America and were understood to be eligible to be President " If the whole intent of this bill was to clear up any concerns about McCain's run for President then why even include this line? Could that line and Obama's statement have a more long range or alternative motive? Could it be McCaskill was being used in the chess game of politics? Could the Democrats be guilty of running her to the media every chance they had to give her credibility since she is one of the newest Senators and a relative unknown outside of the state of Missouri?

I know there I go again, right wing wacko. Well let me say this I hope this is all my brain and heart just getting caught up in the heat of this heated contest but part of me thinks this is all possible. I will include some links below and add to this as I learn more.

This week, we learned that Senator Obama is going to Hawaii to visit his ill grandmother. Seems she is gravely ill so he left the campaign trail (2 days after announcing we was going to do so). An Obama spokesman said "Per Barack Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs, the candidate will leave the trail for 48 hours later this week to travel to Hawaii to be with his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who is quite ill. Obama speaks often of his grandmother on the trail. She raised him.
From Gibbs: "Senator Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, has always been one of the most important people in his life. Along with his mother and his grandfather, she raised him in Hawaii from the time he was born until the moment he left for college." It seems odd to me that some as important an influential to his life was very very ill, that his wife and children would go along to see her as well but it is just him.

This just keeps getting better and better... read this and the comments attached to it !

A couple of questions.....
#1 - You grandmother is gravely ill and you announce you are going to run to her side... in 2 days?
#2- Why has he not released his medical records and university records? Could there be relevant information on them that he does not want exposed?
#3- Why is his step brother living in a hut on very little income in Nairobi? Is that how a wealthy politician supports his family? How will he support you ??